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Vol. 19 No. 36 (2024): Læringsmiljøer: Relationer & Rammer
					View Vol. 19 No. 36 (2024): Læringsmiljøer: Relationer & Rammer
Published: 2024-05-23

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The Danish Journal of Higher Education is the publication channel for research and development in higher education pedagogy.

The purpose of The Danish Journal of Higher Education is to contribute to the development of and debate on teaching and learning, pedagogy and study quality in teaching and learning in higher education through the publication of research and dissemination articles in the field.

We publish articles based on empirical evidence, theories, concepts, methods and experiences of relevance to higher education pedagogy in general, i.e. in relation to bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate and PhD programmes, open university programmes, research-affiliated university college programmes and university continuing education programmes.