Vol. 16 No. 27 (2023): Developing teachers’ digital competences

					View Vol. 16 No. 27 (2023): Developing teachers’ digital competences

Editor: Inger-Marie F. Christensen, imc@sdu.dk, University of Southern Denmark
Editor: Mikkel Godsk, godsk@au.dk Aarhus University
Editor: Jens Jørgen Hansen, jjh@sdu.dk, University of Southern Denmark
Editor: Søren Larsen, slars@ruc.dk, Roskilde University

Having focused on the procurement and implementation of learning technologies and platforms for several years, higher education (HE) institutions are now concentrating their attention on the optimal deployment of these technologies. In this connection, the development of HE teachers’ digital competences, including the ability to utilise digital (learning) technologies in teaching and to develop and carry out technology-enhanced teaching, is a top priority on both HE institutions’ as well as political agendas. This is illustrated in for example the ministerial Call for Action: Technological upgrade of higher education (2018), the subsequent national action plan Digital competences and  digital learning (2019) on the development of teaching and teachers’ competences, institutional strategies, local action plans and efforts to promote professional technologies in subjects. Furthermore, there is an added focus on the quality assurance of teachers’ pedagogical competences in HE (at the universities this is illustrated by the Danish framework for advancing university pedagogy, 2021). HE institutions are thus busily engaged collecting knowledge on, creating, assuring the quality of and evaluating initiatives as well as developing methods that support teachers’ professional development in relation to digital competences.

Published: 2023-01-26

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LOM#27: Developing teachers’ digital competences