No. 10 (2021): Teknologiforståelsens fagdidaktik

					View No. 10 (2021): Teknologiforståelsens fagdidaktik

The theme for this issue of Learning Tech is technology understanding and is entitled Technology understanding didactics. Technology understanding is presented as a new professionalism that is on its way into the Danish education system. The development of technology understanding professionalism has so far been particularly widespread in primary school and the associated teacher education, where since 2018 various experiments have been underway with the development of the subject and professionalism. In the youth educations, experiences are made with similar new disciplines, such as the vocational educations' subjects Business Informatics and the upper secondary educations' subjects Informatics. Finally, the new professionalism also gives rise to considerations and experiments in higher education.

This special issue focuses on the identity, content and practice of professionalism as it is thought and expressed in different contexts. With this, the articles can help to qualify the current debate on technology understanding with both empirical and theoretical anchored bids, which together show the unity or diversity of professionalism or rather professionalism.

Published: 2021-12-16

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    Marianne Riis, Bjarke Lindsø Andersen, Martin Dybdal, Rasmus Leth Jørnø, Marie Falkesgaard Slot, Mikkel Hjorth
