Vol. 11 No. 18 (2018): Systemer, portaler og platforme mellem styring og frihed

Most Danish educational institutions have in recent years implemented larger IT systems and acquired new technologies to support their educational activities. These primarily include technological systems, portals, and platforms referred to as e-learning systems, learning portals, Learning Management Systems, Virtual Learning Environments, etc.

Within the field of upper secondary education and higher education, e-learning systems like Moodle, Fronter, itslearning, Lectio, Blackboard, and Canvas have been implemented. In the primary school sector, there is an ongoing initiative called the Brugerportalsinitiativet, which involves the implementation of a learning platform in all primary schools.

In this themed issue of the journal "Læring og Medier," we focus on the pedagogical and didactic implications of introducing such systems, portals, and platforms. In this themed issue, we seek to address the following issues:

- What is a learning portal or learning platform?
- What framework and opportunities do these technologies provide?
- How do these systems restrict and/or promote the pedagogical and didactic options for educators?
- Is there an inherent pedagogy/didactics in the systems, or does it need to be defined separately?
- Is there an "outsourcing" of pedagogical and didactic methods to system developers, or is pedagogy and didactics being redefined in new ways?

Published: 2018-01-15

