
  • Vol. 29 No. 3-4 (2024)

    Jeppe Skott, Sonja Lutovac and Raymond Bjuland
    Editorial: Researching mathematics teachers’ professional identities: complexities and ways ahead

    Sonja Lutovac and Johanna Havia
    Prospective mathematics teachers’ collective identity work: navigating failure experiences and concerns about relating to students

    Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim and Talli Nachlieli
    Professional identities, conflicting positions, and the challenge of conducting mathematical discussions in professional learning communities

    Charlotte Krog Skott and Giorgos Psycharis
    Studying how a mathematics teacher’s professional identity shapes and is shaped by the use of digital resources in the classroom

    Raymond Bjuland, Janne Fauskanger and Reidar Mosvold
    Analyzing teachers’ narratives to identify potential impediments of professional development in mathematics

    Tracy Helliwell and Andreas Ebbelind
    Conceptualising (mathematics teacher educator) identity work: an enactivist-informed approach

    Jeppe Skott
    Identity as experience – an interactionist approach

  • Vol. 29 No. 2 (2024)


    Jóhann Örn Sigurjónsson
    Teaching mathematics with high cognitive activation: instructional formats and connection-making interactions in high-level Nordic lessons

    Kristin Westerholm and Eva Norén
    Lärares erfarenheter av Åtgärdsgarantin i matematik: möjligheter att åstadkomma stödinsatser

    Jenny Green
    Primary school students’ engagement in the formative feedback process in mathematics
    Green – Appendix

  • Vol. 29 No. 1 (2024)


    Niclas Larson
    Norwegian student teachers’ perspectives on linear equations

     Ramesh Gautam and Arne Jakobsen
    Challenges in developing a TPACK survey for preservice mathematics teachers in the Norwegian context

    Morten Munthe
    Facilitating exploratory talk through mathematical programming problems

  • Vol. 28 No. 3-4 (2023)


    Uffe Thomas Jankvist, Morten Misfeldt, Eirini Geraniou, Mario Sánchez Aguilar and Anna Baccaglini-Frank
    Towards a technocritical mathematics education

    Stine Gerster Johansen
    Allgemeinbildung and digital technologies in mathematics education: a review

    Francesca Granone and Elin Reikerås
    Teachers’ support for children’s mathematical learning through interactions while playing with a coding toy

    Mirela Vinerean, Yvonne Liljekvist, Matthias Brandl and Johannes Przybilla
    Didactical usefulness of interactive mathematical maps – designing activities supporting prospective teachers’ learnin

    Tamsin Meaney, Hilja L. Huru and Mona Kvivesen
    Preservice and inservice teachers’ views on digital tools for diverse learners in mathematics education

    Cecilie Carlsen Bach
    A set of design principles for exercising mathematical communication competency when using a DGE

    Ingi Heinesen Højsted
    Proof as an explanation of dynamic geometry generated conjectures – task design in a toolbox puzzle approach

    Mathilde Kjær Pedersen
    The use of DGE and CAS to support mathematical thinking competency: a literature review

    Andreas Borg and Maria Fahlgren
    Analysing mathematical programming schemes using different lenses

    Raimundo Elicer and Andreas Lindenskov Tamborg
    From policy to resources: programming, computational thinking and mathematics in the Danish curriculum

    Barbro Grevholm
    Anna Sierpinska död

  • Vol. 28 No. 1-2 (2023)


    Frithjof Theens, Ewa Bergqvist and Magnus Österholm
    Equivalence in multilanguage mathematics assessment

    Ida Bergvall and Anneli Dyrvold
    Mediating activities in students’ collaborative work on self-explanation prompts

    Ingunn Valbekmo and Raymond Bjuland
    Students’ reasoned dialogs during problem solving in a Norwegian thinking classroom

    Kjersti Wæge and Olaug Ellen Lona Svingen
    Teachers’ learning of ambitious mathematics teaching as changes in pedagogical discourse

    Hilde Opsal and Arne Kåre Topphol
    The problematic equal sign

    Thematic issue of Nomad 2025 – call for papers

  • Vol. 27 No. 4 (2022)


    Salla Pehkonen, Antti Lehtinen, Pasi Nieminen and Markus Hähkiöniemi
    Adaptive number knowledge among primary school students of various ages

    Odd Tore Kaufmann and Andreas Ryve
    Transition between discourses – portraying teaching practices in collegial discussions

  • Vol. 27 No. 3 (2022)


    Kim André Stavenæs Refvik and Annette Hessen Bjerke
    Computational thinking as a tool in primary and secondary mathematical problem solving: a literature review

    Astrid Hågensen Kleven
    Methods and key findings in research on conversations in early years mathematics: a review of the literature

    Jonas Jäder
    Creative and conceptual challenges in mathematical problem solving

  • Vol. 27 No. 2 (2022)


    Camilla Normann Justnes and Reidar Mosvold
    Scrutinizing Norwegian kindergarten teachers’ considerations about talk moves

    Morten Bjørnebye
    Full-body interaction in young children’s modelling of counting-based addition

    Aleksandra Hara Fadum og Helga Kufaas Tellefsen
    Videreutdanningsstudenters undervisningskunnskap relatert til likhetstegnets betydning i algebra

  • Vol. 27 No. 1 (2022)


    Tomas Bergqvist and Mathias Norqvist
    Creative and algorithmic reasoning – the role of strategy choices in practice and test

    Jan Olsson and Denice D’Arcy
    Students’ reasoning and feedback from a teacher

    Ingeborg Katrin Lid Berget
    Mathematical modelling in textbook tasks and national examination in Norwegian upper secondary school

    Ola Helenius and Linda Marie Ahl
    Gérard Vergnaud in action

  • Vol. 26 No. 3-4 (2021)


    Camilla Björklund and Anna-Lena Ekdahl
    Learning to teach mathematics in preschool through theory-driven interventions

    Inger Eriksson, Jenny Fred, Anna-Karin Nordin, Martin Nyman and Sanna Wettergren
    Tasks, tools, and mediated actions – promoting collective theoretical work on algebraic expressions

    Janne Fauskanger and Raymond Bjuland
    Opportunities to learn ambitious mathematics teaching from co-planning instruction

    Charlotte Krog Skott, Louise Laursen Falkenberg and Ida Redder Honoré
    New mathematics teachers’ learning when participating in induction on mathematics education – a case study of two lower secondary teachers

    Pernilla Mårtensson and Anna-Lena Ekdahl
    Variation theory and teaching experiences as tools to generate knowledge about teaching and learning mathematics – the case of pre-service teachers

    Hanna Palmér and Jorryt van Bommel
    Teachers’ participation in practice based research – a methodological retrospect

    Anna Ida Säfström, Björn Palmberg, Carina Granberg, Johan Sidenvall and Johan Lithner
    Initiating teacher-researcher collaboration to support students’ mathematical problem-solving

    Anita Tyskerud
    Utvikling av matematikkundervisning – en kommognitiv analyse av rutiner i klasserommet

    Mark Hoover and Deborah Loewenberg Ball
    Practice-based research on the teaching of mathematics: progress and imperatives for the future

    Hamsa Venkat
    Practice-based research on mathematics teaching: A developmental turn?

  • Vol. 26 No. 2 (2021)


    Dorte Moeskær Larsen and Morten Misfeldt
    Fostering mathematical reasoning in inquiry-based teaching – the role of cognitive conflicts

    Tomi Kärki, Jake Mcmullen and Erno Lehtinen
    Designing a game-based environment for enhancing rational number knowledge

    Beate Nergård and Kjersti Wæge
    Effective mathematical communication in play-based activities: a case study of a Norwegian preschool

    Åsa Wedin
    Languaging in mathematics classrooms – space for students’ varied language repertoires in the Language introduction program in Sweden

  • Vol. 26 No. 1 (2021)


    Malin Norberg
    Exercise design in mathematics textbooks: the case of subtraction

    Susanne Johansson, Camilla Björklund och Anne Kultti
    Att utmana barns taluppfattning i en matematikaktivitet i förskolan

    Ove Gunnar Drageset
    Exploring student explanations: What types can be observed, and how do teachers initiate and respond to them?

    Anita Valenta, Kirsti Rø, Reidun Persdatter Ødegaard og Marit Buset Langfeldt
    Dekomponering av planleggingspraksis i en syklus av utforsking og utprøving i lærerutdanning abstract

  • Vol. 25 No. 3-4 (2020)


    Lena Lindenskov and Pia Beck Tonnesen
    A logical model for interventions for students in mathematics difficulties – improving professionalism and mathematical confidence

    Juuso Henrik Nieminen
    Student conceptions of assessment accommodations in university mathematics: an analysis of power

    Leif Bjørn Skorpen
    What the teachers and the students do and how they interact – a comparison of special education teaching and ordinary teaching in mathematics

    Catarina Andersson
    Formative assessment – from the view of special education teachers in mathematics

    Helena Roos, Maria Lindfors and Anette Bagger
    Educational settings in relation to special educational needs in mathematics

    Cecilia Segerby
    Mind the gap between students and their mathematical textbooks

  • Vol. 25 No. 2 (2020)


    Natasja Steen, Matilde Stenhøj Madsen og Tomas Højgaard
    Potentialer og begrænsninger ved anvendelse af lærebøger i matematikundervisningen: resultater fra et systematisk review

    Paul Andrews
    Swedish primary teacher education students’ perspectives on linear equations

    Kristina Palm Kaplan and Johan Prytz
    Conservative and transformative changes in algebra in Swedish lower secondary textbooks 1995–2015

    Ingi Heinesen Højsted
    Guidelines for utilizing affordances of dynamic geometry environments to support development of reasoning competency

    Uffe Thomas Jankvist and Mogens Niss
    Fostering an intimate interplay between research and practice: Danish ”maths counsellors” for upper secondary school

  • Vol. 25 No. 1 (2020)


    Camilla Sjölander Nordin
    Avtryck i problemlösningsundervisning – en fenomenografisk studie

    Raimundo Elicer
    Meanings of decision-making in probability and statistics: comparing Chilean and Danish upper secondary school curricula

    Helge Fredriksen and Said Hadjerrouit
    Exploring engineering students’ participation in flipped mathematics classroom: a discursive approach

    Anne Birgitte Fyhn og Håkon Robertsen
    Kystfiskermatematikk og skolematematikk: to ulike perspektiver på hva ei méd er

    Jenny Svanteson Wester and Angelika Kullberg
    Understanding the relationship between length and area when changing the size of a two-dimensional geometric figure

  • Vol. 24 No. 3-4 (2019)


    Thomas Kaas
    Tilgange til tidlig algebra

    Peter Hästö and Riikka Palkki
    Finnish students’ flexibility and its relation to speed and accuracy in equation solving

    Anna-Maija Partanen and Pieti Tolvanen
    Developing a frame for analysing different meanings of the concept of variable mediated by tasks in elementary-school mathematics textbooks

    Inger Eriksson, Sanna Wettergren, Jenny Fred, Anna-Karin Nordin, Martin Nyman och Torbjörn Tambour
    Materialisering av algebraiska uttryck i helklassdiskussioner med lärandemodeller som medierande redskap i årskurs 1 och 5

    Jenny Fred
    Att designa för elevers deltagande i ett algebraiskt arbete – elever i årskurs 2 och 3 utforskar visuellt växande mönster

    Helena Eriksson
    Algebraic thinking and level of generalisation: students’ experiencing of comparisons of quantities

    Cecilia Kilhamn and Ann-Sofi Röj-Lindberg
    Algebra teachers’ questions and quandaries – Swedish and Finnish algebra teachers discussing practice

  • Vol. 24 No. 2 (2019)


    Trond Stølen Gustavsen and Olav Gravir Imenes
    Investigating the fit of a model for students’ understanding of fractions in a Norwegian context

    Abdel Seidouvy, Ola Helenius and Maike Schindler
    Authority in students’ peer collaboration in statistics: an empirical study based on inferentialism

    Svanhild Breive
    Engaging children in mathematical discourse: a kindergarten teacher’s multimodal participation

    Kristina Juter
    University students’ general and specific beliefs about infinity, division by zero and denseness of the number line

  • Vol. 24 No. 1 (2019)


    Annika Pettersson, Yvonne Liljekvist and Jorryt van Bommel
    Studying concept elements as a way to trace students’ conceptual understanding

    Kajsa Bråting, Lars Madej and Kirsti Hemmi
    Development of algebraic thinking: opportunities offered by the Swedish curriculum and elementary mathematics textbooks

    Johan Sidenvall
    Literature review of mathematics teaching design for problem solving and reasoning

    Janne Fauskanger
    Ambisiøse undervisningspraksiser i Teacher time out

  • Vol. 23 No. 3-4 (2018)


    Tamsin Meaney and Toril Eskeland Rangnes
    Language diversity in mathematics education in the Nordic countries 2008–2018

    Eva Norén and Petra Svensson Källberg
    Fabrication of newly-arrived students as mathematical learners

    Petra Svensson Källberg
    Identity formations as mathematical learners in the context of transition

    Marie Sjöblom
    Developing mathematical reasoning by using questions in a multilingual mathematics classroom

    Maria Ahlholm and Päivi Portaankorva-Koivisto
    The language factor – what exactly is it? Bilingual speakers of Russian and Finnish solving mathematical tasks

    Jöran Petersson
    Newly- and early-immigrated second-language students’ knowledge of arithmetic syntax

    Hilja L. Huru, Anna-Kaisa Räisänen and Anita Movik Simensen
    Culturally based mathematics tasks: a framework for designing tasks from traditional Kven artefacts and knowledge

    Mette Hjelmborg and Ane Fleischer
    En registeranalyse af centrale matematiske begreber i en grønlandsk kontekst

    Anne Birgitte Fyhn, Ellen J. Sara Eira, Ole Einar Hætta, Inga Anne Marit Juuso, Siv Ingrid Nordkild og Ellen Margrethe Skum
    Bishop Sámegillii – utfordringer ved oversetting av matematikkdidaktisk fagterminologi

    Dorota Lembrér
    Polish parents’ views on mathematics activities at home and in Swedish preschools

    Troels Lange and Tamsin Meaney
    Talking about mathematics in two languages: Can parental views inform the development of digital games for young children?

    Andrea Eikset and Tamsin Meaney
    When does a difference make a difference? Teaching about language diversity in mathematics teacher education

    Susanne Prediger
    Multilingual issues in Nordic mathematics education – What is achieved and where to go next?

  • Vol. 23 No. 2 (2018)


    Jens Højgaard Jensen and Uffe Thomas Jankvist
    Disciplinary competence descriptions for external use

    Jan Roksvold
    Læreres utbytte av kunnskap om hjernen

    Anita Tyskerud and Reidar Mosvold
    Scrutinizing teacher-learner interactions on volume

  • Vol. 23 No. 1 (2018)


    Anna Ida Säfström
    Preschoolers exercising mathematical competencies

    Magnus Fahlström and Lovisa Sumpter
    A model for the role of the physical environment in mathematics education

    Kristina Palm Kaplan
    Discourses in school algebra: the textbooks’ different views on algebra and the positioning of students

    Jani Hannula
    The gap between school mathematics and university mathematics: prospective mathematics teachers’ conceptions and mathematical thinking

  • Vol. 22 No. 4 (2017)


    Simon Goodchild and Barbara Jaworski
    Developing practice through research into university mathematics education

    Angeliki Mali and Georgia Petropoulou
    Characterising undergraduate mathematics teaching across settings and countries: an analytical framework

    Suela Kacerja, Toril Eskeland Rangnes, Rune Herheim, Meinrad Pohl, Inger Elin Lilland and Ragnhild Hansen
    Stimulating critical mathematical discussions in teacher education: use of indices such as the BMI as entry points

    Mervi A. Asikainen, Antti Viholainen, Mika Koponen and Pekka E. Hirvonen
    Finnish entry-level students’ views of teacher knowledge and the characteristics of a good mathematics teacher

    Sinéad Breen, Niclas Larson, Ann O’Shea and Kerstin Pettersson
    A study of students’ concept images of inverse functions in Ireland and Sweden

    Margrethe Naalsund and Joakim Skogholt
    Oral presentations as a tool for promoting metacognitive regulation in real analysis

    Stephanie Treffert-Thomas, Olov Viirman, Paul Hernandez-Martinez and Yuriy Rogovchenko
    Mathematics lecturers’ views on the teaching of mathematical modelling

    Ian Jones and David Sirl
    Peer assessment of mathematical understanding using comparative judgement

    Barbro Grevholm

  • Vol. 22 No. 3 (2017)


    Sharada Gade
    Research as praxis, en route theory/practice teacher-researcher collaboration: a self-study

    Torulf Palm, Catarina Andersson, Erika Boström and Charlotta Vingsle
    A review of the impact of formative assessment on student achievement in mathematics

    Andreas Eckert
    Theorizing the interactive nature of teaching mathematics: contributing to develop contributions as a metaphor for teaching

    Annette Hessen Bjerke
    The development of pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching mathematics

    Paul Andrews and Niclas Larson
    Analysing genomgång: a Swedish mathematics teaching lesson event

  • Vol. 22 No. 2 (2017)


    Hanna Viitala
    A tool for understanding pupils’ mathematical thinking

    Jöran Petersson
    First and second language students’ achievement in mathematical content areas

    Reidar Mosvold
    Studier av undervisningskunnskap i matematikk: internasjonale trender og nordiske bidrag

    Heidi Strømskag
    Et miljø for algebraisk generalisering og dets innvirkning på studenters matematiske aktivitet

    Helena Johansson
    Dependence between creative and non-creative mathematical reasoning in national physics tests

  • Vol. 22 No. 1 (2017)


    Catarina Andersson, Erika Boström and Torulf Palm
    Formative assessment in Swedish mathematics classroom practice

    Attila Szabo
    Matematikundervisning för begåvade elever – en forskningsöversikt

    Mary G. Billington and Egil Gabrielsen
    The older the better? Are younger Norwegian adults losing ground on basic numeracy skills?

    Anna Pansell and Paul Andrews
    The teaching of mathematical problem-solving in Swedish classrooms: a case study of one grade five teacher’s practice

    Eva-Lena Erixon
    Convergences and influences of discourses in an online professional development course for mathematics teachers

1-25 of 98