
  • SPF becomes Nordiske Studier I Pedagogisk Filosofi (NSPF)


    Dear readers, authors and reviewers,

    We're posting this to let you know that SPF in its current form is ending and instead will become Nordiske Studier I Pedagogisk Filosofi (NSPF). Its base is the University Of Oslo and the editor is Professor Torill Strand. All SPF articles will still be freely available on this website, but the journal will not be publishing any more articles. Therefore we encourage authors who have submitted or are thinking about submitting to instead send your articles to NSPF. Their webpage with all relevant information, as well as their upcoming publications can be found here: Nordiske Studier I Pedagogisk Filosofi (NSPF).

    Click below for more info:

    Read more about SPF becomes Nordiske Studier I Pedagogisk Filosofi (NSPF)
  • Corona-edition out now!


    Kære alle! Hermed er vi også nået til udgivelsen af vores særlige coronanummer, hvor forskellige forfattere diskuterer pandemiens indvirkning på undervisning og pædagogik på forskellige ledder og kanter. Særligt tak til nummerets to gæsteredaktører, Knut Ove Æsøy og Kamran Namdar! 

    Nummeret kan ses her: Post-coronial education

    Derudover inkluderer nummeret også et posthumt bidrag om dansk skolehistorie fra tidligere professor Thyge Winther-Jensen.

    Jørgen Huggler
    Martin Bygballe

    Read more about Corona-edition out now!
  • New issue published!


    Dear readers - the 2020 issue is out now! We wish to thank the authors for their collaboration, and hope you enjoy the published papers (though none are in English as of now) !

    The issue can be found via this link:

    Jørgen Huggler
    Martin Bygballe

    Read more about New issue published!
  • New Issue + Call For Papers


    A new issue has been published and can be found here:

    Post-coronial education: What lessons can we learn from the pandemic?

    Guest editors: Knut Ove Æsøy, OsloMet,

    Kamran Namdar, Mälardalen University,

    Partow Izadi, University of Lapland in Rovaniemi

    This is a call for papers to a special issue of the Nordic journal Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi (Studies in Philosophy of Education) exploring the connection between the corona pandemic and education.

    The Corona pandemic is the kind of natural phenomenon that from time to time besets human culture. Education is an important part of human culture that might change, due to the pandemic. The spring of 2020 has proven how adaptable human beings are. Most of the changes in different educational institutions have resulted from a political state of emergency. These changes might have long-term consequences, both in way of educational practices and the education mindset. In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, a variety of basic educational issues may have attracted renewed interest. The pandemic may revitalize questions about human existence, which may have implications for both the educational practice and mindset. This interaction between nature and the human ability to adapt and construct is not new, and we will welcome papers clarifying philosophical thoughts of the past in relation to the pandemic situation. We will also be happy to receive more future- oriented papers on post-coronial education or papers that discuss more specifically the pandemic’s political implications for different educational systems from kindergarten to university. This could pertain to science, religiousness, ethics, affiliation, motivation, play, motor skills, boredom, social inequalities, nationalism, and the school as the arena of Bildung.

    We would like to receive a large variety of contributions, both in terms of perspectives and forms of expressions, but this kind of future-oriented reflection requires stringent theoretical arguments and nuanced discussion.

    Deadline: November 1th 2020.

    Read more about New Issue + Call For Papers
  • Pædagogikkens egenart


    Pædagogik er vi vores samfund blevet til hyperpædagogisering forstået således, at snart alle områder i livet bliver omfattet af tiltag, der skal opdrage og aktivere os. Pædagogikken er blevet grænseløs og pædagogers udsagn om, at de tager sig af alt ’fra vugge til krukke’ bliver mere og mere aktuelt. Samtidig er der en trussel mod en egentlig pædagogik, fordi denne hyperpædagogisering ikke efterspørger pædagogikkens egenart, men kun redskaber til påvirkning. På den ene side er pædagogikken allestedsnærværende, på den anden side trues den med indre opløsning. Pædagogikken farer vild, hvis den ikke besinder sig på det teoretiske, fordi kun i den teoretiske pædagogik kan teori-praksis problematikken overhovedet reflekteres. Den empiriske forskning er vigtig, men den bliver til silotænkning, hvis de indsamlede data ikke reflekteres gennem pædagogisk teoretiske overvejelser. Den dominerende empiriske forskning inden for det pædagogiske område privilegerer en bestemt og begrænsende sociologisk indfaldsvinkel (jf. evidensparadigmet) som har vanskeligt ved at reflektere sine egne forudsætninger, og derfor fanges mellem revolution og praksisbekræftelse. En besindelse på pædagogikkens egenart fastholder spændingsforholdet mellem teori og praksis som netop en spænding mellem teoretisk og praktisk pædagogik.


    Overordnede spørgsmål, som bidragyderne skal forholde sig til.

    1.     Pædagogikkens egenart:

    Hvordan bidraget placerer sig til spørgsmålet om pædagogikkens egenart?

    2.     Teori-praksis-spørgsmålet.

    På hvilken måde kan bidraget medvirke til at belyse pædagogikken som en disciplin i spændingsfeltet mellem teori og praksis. Teoretisk pædagogik er klemt mellem test (empiri og evidens) på den ene side og på den anden praksis-selvtilstrækkelighed overfor teoretisk ophøjethed

    3.     Pædagogisk legitimitet.

    a.     På hvilken måde kan pædagogikken som disciplin legitimere sig, hvis man tager kravet om videnskabelig autonomi – egenart alvorligt?

    b.     Hvordan tænkes det teoretisk pædagogiske i relation til institution, magt og modernitet presset af ydelseskrav og krav til medborgerskab, etik, myndighed etc.?

    4.     Pædagogikkens selvbegrænsning.

    Hvornår slutter pædagogikken?  Kan man fejlagtigt tænke pædagogikken ind i områder som ikke ’burde’ være pædagogiske, dvs. bliver pædagogikken formynderisk og manipulatorisk og koloniserende, hvis den breder sig ud over sine grænser. Hvordan afgrænser pædagogik sig til andre områder, f.eks. institutioner, livsaldre, livssituationer og vilkår.

    Deadline for artikler: 1. november 2018

    Read more about Pædagogikkens egenart
  • Kommende numre


    Årgang 7, nr. 1 fokuserer på Knud Grue-Sørensens pædagogiske filosofi. Gæsteredaktør: Thyge Winther-Jensen (Aarhus Universitet, DPU). Udkommer foråret 2018.

    Årgang 7, nr. 2 har titlen New Developments in Analytical Philosophy. Gæsteredaktører: Bo Allesøe Christensen (Aarhus Universitet, DPU) og Oliver Kauffmann (Aarhus Universitet, DPU).

    Årgang 8, nr. 1 har titlen Pædagogikkens egenart. Gæsteredaktører: Merete Wiberg, Carla B. Nielsen og Johannes Adamsen

    Vi modtager og bedømmer løbende artikler uden for tema. Forslag om bøger til anmeldelse sendes til

    Read more about Kommende numre
  • Nyheder december 2017-januar 2018: Om monografiserien


    Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi  udgiver tillige en Monografiserie. Bind i monografiserien vil ikke udkomme regelmæssigt.  

    Første bind er:

    Sune Frølund. Naturviden - En naturfilosofisk undersøgelse og kritik af vidensbegreber i naturvidenskab, 216 sider. Afhandlingen er udkommet ult. 2014. Den kan læses via Monografiseriens "Arkiver", eller via dette link:, eller


    Andet bind i Monografiserien er:

    Casper Løwenstein: Den sproglige erfaring: En Heideggerlæsning, 277 sider. Denne afhandling er udkommet ult. 2017, og kan læses via dette link,

    - eller via link til Monografiserien i bjælken ovenfor.

    Read more about Nyheder december 2017-januar 2018: Om monografiserien
  • New Developments in Analytical Philosophy of Education


    With this call, Studies in Philosophy Education wants to explore the influence of recent developments in analytical philosophy on the philosophy of education within the Nordic countries. 

    Present day analytical philosophy has come along way since the simplified picture of it as a bloodless and pure logical-abstract endeavour connected with the logical positivism and empiricism we know from the 1920s extending into the 1940s. As chief instigators of the subsequent post-positivistic phase we might mention Wittgenstein in the Philosophical Investigations, Wilfrid Sellars in Empiricism and he Philosophy of Mind, Willard van Orman Quine in his Two dogmas of Empiricism, and John Austin in Sense and Sensibilia. If, and despite their differences, one commonality could be claimed, it would imply the impossibility of describing our language use, our cognitive processes, our perceptions, in short our epistemic make-up, without understanding the setting for these different processes as well as what these processes are about, their content.   

    Recent developments spawned by this, and which will be of interest but not limited to here, is, first, social and virtue epistemology, incorporating social as well as testimonial dimensions of knowledge acquisition and already beginning to appear in philosophy of education through educational philosophers like Ben Kotzee, Jan Derry as well as Harvey Siegel. Second, the development of social ontology and collective intentionality, connected with names like John Searle, Margaret Gilbert, Michael Bratman and Raimo Tuomela, focusing on how shared attention, shared emotions, collective acceptance and joint belief are important factors in understanding collectives, hence also learning processes and outcomes in collective educational settings. More general themes relevant for this volume are, for example, the influence and relevance of specific analytical philosophers, past and present, on contemporary Nordic philosophy of education. Second, pieces discussing and analysing the present situation of analytical philosophy of education and future trajectories. 


    1 september 2018: deadline for indlevering af artikler

    Read more about New Developments in Analytical Philosophy of Education