Archives - Page 4

  • Vol. 8 No. 1 (2000)

    Ledare / Editorial
    Lærerutdanning og forskning

    Anne Watson
    Going across the grain: mathematical generalisations in a group of low attiners

    Leila Pehkonen
    How do primary pupils give written arguments in a conflicting mathematical situation

    Rolf Hedrén
    Alternatives to standard algorithms. A study of three pupils during three and a half years

  • Vol. 7 No. 3-4 (1999)

    Ledare / Editorial

    Nina Skov Hansen, Christine Holm og Kristin Troels-Smith

    Tomas Bergqvist
    Gymnasieelever undersöker ett matematiskt begrepp med grafräknare

    Gunnar Gjone
    Review: a multidimensional approach to learning in mathematics and sciences

  • Vol. 7 No. 2 (1999)

    Ledare / Editorial
    Forskning og forskningens organisering

    Ronald Bradal
    Synspunkter på matematikk i utdanningen sett i lys av matematikkens rolle på to utvalgte arbeidsplasser

    Elena Nardi
    The challenge of teaching first-year undergraduate mathematics: tutors’ reflections on the formal mathematical enculturation of their students

    Book Review

  • Vol. 7 No. 1 (1999)

    Ledare / Editorial
    Internasjonale undersøkelser

    Robert P. Burn
    Integration, a genetic introduction

    Djordje Kadijevich
    What may be neglected by an application-centered approch to mathematics education?

    Gunnar Gjone
    Review: Theory of didactical situations in mathematics. Didactique des mathematiques, 1970-1990.

  • Vol. 6 No. 3-4 (1998)

    The international congress on mathematics education in 2008 – a task for the Nordic countries?

    Malcolm Swan
    Discussion activities, teacher beliefs and the learning of mature, low attaing students

    Anne Berit Fuglestad
    Computer support for diagnostic teaching. The case of decimal numbers

    Gloria Stillman
    Engagement with task context of applications tasks: student performance and teacher beliefs

    Frank K. Lester Jr.
    Does research reported in mathematics education journals have any relevance for practicing teachers?

  • Vol. 6 No. 2 (1998)

    Organisasjoner for fagdidaktisk forskning

    Helen J. Forgaz and Gilah C. Leder
    Tertiary mathematics students: why are they here?

    Carl Winsløw
    Matematikkens sproglighed som didaktisk potensiale

    Raymond Bjuland
    Lærerstudenters matematiske tenkning og utvikling i en sosial kontekst. Problemløsning i smågrupper

    Gunnar Gjone
    ERME: European Society for Research in Mathematics Education er stiftet


  • Vol. 6 No. 1 (1998)

    NOMAD – a Nordic and an international journal

    Caroline Lajoie and Roberta Mura
    The danger of being overly attached to the concrete: the case of division by zero

    Anastasios Barkatsas, Vasilis Gialamas, Dimitris Karageorgos and Katerina Kasimatis
    Students’ mathematics performance and their attitude toward the learning of mathematics: an attempt to explore their relationship

    Denise S. Mewborn and Deborah A. Gober
    Preservice teachers’ perceptions of gender equity issues in the mathematics classroom

  • Vol. 5 No. 3 (1997)

    Gard Brekke and Gunnar Gjone
    Developments and challenges

    Snorre A. Ostad
    Strategic competence: issues of task-specific strategies in arithmetic

    Tasos Patronis
    Rethinking the role of context in mathematics education

    Discussion Document
    ICMI study – On the teaching and learning of mathematics at university level

    Gunnar Gjone
    Review – Windows on mathematical meanings

  • Vol. 5 No. 2 (1997)

    Et matematikkdidaktisk tidskrift

    Bjørnar Alseth og Truls Kobberstad
    Trivsel i åpne landskap. En vitenskapsteoretisk diskusjon omkring matematikkdidaktikkens forankring

    Elna Svege
    Studenters forestillinger, holdninger og følelser overfor matematikk

    Book review

  • Vol. 5 No. 1 (1997)

    NOMAD over Kjølen

    Morten Blomhøj
    Funksjonsbegrebet og 9. klasse elevers begrebsforståelse

    Dagmar Neuman
    Diagnoser i matematik år 2. Varför – hur – vad ger resultatet?

    Trygve Breiteig
    Review: Approaches to algebra. Perspectives for research and teaching

    Barbara Jaworski
    ERME: The European society for research in mathematics education

  • Vol. 4 No. 4 (1996)

    NOMAD moves from Sweden to Norway

    Anastasios N. Barkatsas & Robert Hunting
    A review of recent research on cognitive, metacognitive and affective aspects of problem solving

    Erkki Pehkonen & lldar Safuanov
    Pupils’ views of mathematics teaching in Finland and Tatarstan

    Göran Emanuelsson, Bengt Johansson, Barbara J. Reys, & Robert E. Reys
    Using a journal to engage teachers in developmental work

    Book review

  • Vol. 4 No. 2-3 (1996)

    Ett nytt dubbelnummer

    Ann Ahlberg
    Undervisningsprocessens betydelse för flickors och pojkars lärande

    Göte Dahland & Thomas Lingefjärd
    Graphing calculators and students’ interpretations of results: a study in four upper secondary classes in Sweden

    Rolf Hedrén
    Alternatives to traditional algorithms in elementary mathematics instruction

    Kay Owens
    Recent research and a critique of theories of early geometry learning: the case of the angle concept

    Barbro Grevholm
    LitteraturanmälanTänk så många kompetenta kvinnor det finns …

    Bengt Svensson
    Utvecklingsarbete i en skola inspirerat av NOMAD och Nämnaren


  • Vol. 4 No. 1 (1996)

    Matematikdidaktiska “miljöer”

    Bettina Dahl
    Læring som sprogspilsoverskridelse

    Veslemøy Johnsen
    Hva er en vinkel?


  • Vol. 3 No. 4 (1995)

    The second issue in English

    Victor Firsov
    Mathematics education as theoretical knowledge

    Jeremy Kilpatrick
    Staking claims

    Erkki Pehkonen
    On pupils’ reactions to the use of open-ended problems in mathematics

    Gunnar Gjone
    Review – Didactics of mathematics. A scientific discipline

  • Vol. 3 No. 3 (1995)

    Om problemlösning, laborativa material och test

    Bjørnar Alseth
    Undervisning i problemløsningsstrategier

    Marit Johnsen Høines
    Hva skjer med matematikkpedagogiske samhandlinger når tester tas i bruk?

    Robert P. Hunting & Susan J. Lamon
    A re-examination of the role of instructional materials in mathematics education


  • Vol. 3 No. 2 (1995)

    Från redaktionen i Mölndal

    Helle Alrø
    I forlanger for lidt af jer selv

    Tine Wedege
    Teknologi, kvalifikationer og matematik

    Matematikk i skole og samfunn


  • Vol. 3 No. 1 (1995)

    Från redaktionen i Mölndal

    Otto B. Bekken
    Algorismus i Hauksbók

    Helen J. Forgasz & Gilah C. Leder
    Single-sex mathematics classes: Who benefits?

    Lenni Haapasalo
    Modeller för konstruktivistiska inlärningsaktiviteter och utvärdering

    Gunnar Gjone
    Stieg Mellin-Olsen in memoriam

    Book review

  • Vol. 2 No. 3-4 (1994)

    Matematikämnets didaktik – ett växande vetenskapsområde

    Iben Maj Christiansen
    ‘Informal activity’ in mathematics instruction

    Mogens Niss
    Challenges to the preparation of teachers of mathematics

    Johannes Paasonen
    What on earth is a straight line? What can we learn from an epistemological episode in eighth grade?

    Jan Wyndhamn
    Om kalenderräkning – aritmetiken, almanackan och fingrarna som beräkningsverktyg

    Anna Kristjánsdóttir
    Matematikundervisningens roll och placering i nordisk demokratisk kultur

    Book review

  • Vol. 2 No. 2 (1994)

    Problembaserad matematikundervisning och demokrati

    Hans Erik Borgersen
    Open ended problem solving in geometry

    Tapio Keranto
    A problem-centered alternative to formalistic teaching

    Gunhild Nissen
    Matematikundervisning i en demokratisk kultur

  • Vol. 2 No. 1 (1994)

    The first issue in English

    Jeremy Kilpatrick & Bengt Johansson
    Standardized mathematics testing in Sweden: the legacy of Frits Wigforss

    Erkki Pehkonen
    Seventh-graders ‘experiences and wishes about mathematics teaching in Finland

    Dylan Wiliam
    Assessing authentic tasks: alternatives to mark-schemes

    Göran Wallén
    Review: What is good research?

  • Vol. 1 No. 2 (1993)

    En flygande start!

    Helle Alrø & Ole Skovsmose
    Det var ikke meningen! – om kommunikation i matematikundervisningen

    Pekka Kupari
    Matematiken i den finska grundskolan. Attityder och kunskaper

    Jan Wyndhamn
    Mediating artifacts and interaction in a computer environment – an exploratory study of the acquisition of geometry concepts

  • Vol. 1 No. 1 (1993)

    En ny nordisk forskningstidskrift

    Ole Björkqvist
    Social konstruktivism som grund för matematikundervisning

    Morten Blomhøj
    Modellerings betydning for tilegnelsen af matematiske begreber

    Inger Wistedt
    Elevers svårigheter att formulera matematiska problem

    Bengt Johansson
    Matematikdidaktik – nordiskt samarbete i historisk belysning

    Gunhild Nissen
    Nordisk Forskernetværk – Initiativet Matematikundervisning og Demokrati

    Ole Björkqvist
    Mobilisering av krafter för bättre utvärdering

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