Årg. 19 Nr. S10 (2022): Dramaturgical Interference

Part 1 is the presentation of a series of cases from the artistic residency programme Connections, 2017-2020, organised by Performing Arts Platform in Aarhus. Through essays and interviews, the ten Connections residencies are seen through the eyes of the artist, the mentor, and the head dramaturg/facilitator, with a view to examining and analysing interference as a dramaturgical and artistic tool. Part 2 presents four very different viewpoints and cases of artistic creation, artistic processes, and artistic research, where different connections create interference - through director-dramaturg collaboration; interdisciplinary collaboration; artist-expert collaboration a.o.
Whether the goal of the connection is to co-create, qualify, sharpen, expand, nurture, or challenge, there is a form of interference happening, in the basic sense of the word - and the many-faceted, multiple forms of this interference, and what they do to artistic processes, is the curiosity of this special issue of Peripeti.