
Call for papers: Passepartout #46: Skin


Edited by Edward Alan Payne, Laura Katrine Skinnebach, and Gry Lind Merrild Hansen

Skin is contradictory. It is the site of creation and destruction, transformation and regeneration. On the one hand, the skin is the largest organ and outermost covering of the human body, protecting the internal organs from external assaults. It forms a shield against harmful microorganisms and chemicals, and it regulates the body temperature while simultaneously containing the body’s vital fluids. The skin is a resistant membrane which can heal and renew itself by replacing old cells with new ones. On the other hand, skin is vulnerable. It is porous and can be attacked or decomposed by illness, microbes, and bacteria. It is soft and thin, and can easily be penetrated, lacerated, broken, flayed, burned, and scarred. Skin can also harden, crack, peel, flake, stretch, wrinkle, blush, blemish, and blister.

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Current Issue

Vol. 26 No. 44 (2024): Blood
					View Vol. 26 No. 44 (2024): Blood

I kunst og visuel kultur indgår blod på mangfoldige måder: nogle gange repræsenteret i manuskripter, malerier, fotografi eller film, andre gange i al sin kropslige materialitet og nærvær i relikvier, performanceværker, menstruationskunst eller biokunst.

I dette nummer af Passepartout udforskes en bred vifte af værker på tværs af tid og medier. De 10 bidrag undersøger det farlige blod, det kønnede blod, det seksualiserede blod, det ritualiserede blod, det animerende blod, det repræsenterede blod, videnskabelige forståelser af blod samt blodet som grænsegænger. Tilsammen giver temanummerets bidrag et indblik i blodets betydning på tværs af tid og rum: blodets antropologi, dets materielle, kulturelle og historiske betydning som livs- og kulturbærende substans.

Published: 2024-05-31

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