Torquato Tasso på (kryds og) tværs

Om romantikernes furor poeticus i litteratur, kunst og musik


  • Lasse Raaby Gammelgaard Aarhus Universitet



Transmedial narratologi;furor poeticus;intermedialitet;melankoli;Torquato Tasso;romantikken;


The article contributes to research into the topos of furor poeticus or poetic madness and its prominence during the romantic period. In particular, it compares how the life story of the mad Italian poet from the Renaissance, Torquato Tasso, was represented in fictionalized versions across media and art forms. Romantic versions of Tasso’s life in drama (Wolfgang Goethe and B. S. Ingemann), poetry (Lord Byron), painting (Eugène Delacroix) and instrumental music (Franz Liszt) are analyzed with the aim of highlighting which aspects of Tasso’s life are portrayed, how the affordances of the medium affect the depiction and how intermedial references and transpositions are in play. In addition to intermediality theory, the transmedial narratology of Werner Wolf is introduced and employed to compare to what degree the different media and art forms can convey prototypical aspects of narrativity. Moving from the most prototypical to the least prototypical narrative genre, the article finds that the more representations of Tasso focus on his time spent in a madhouse, the more the narrative stresses experientiality at the expense of investment in plot development. The affordances of strong narrative media and strong and weak narrative-inducing media may highlight different aspects of the experientiality of furor poeticus, but in all cases the representation of Tasso is performed in an innovative romantic style.


Lasse Raaby Gammelgaard, Aarhus Universitet

Lasse R. Gammelgaard, ph.d., adjunkt ved Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur på Aarhus Universitet. Opnåede i 2013 ph.d.-graden med en afhandling om fortællende digte. Er medstifter og -leder af forskningsenheden ”Health, Media and Narrative” på Aarhus Universitet. Er i gang med et forskningsprojekt om ”Forms of Mental Illness Representations in Contemporary Literature”, som er finansieret af Det Frie Forskningsråds Sapere Aude-bevilling.


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Gammelgaard, L. R. (2019). Torquato Tasso på (kryds og) tværs: Om romantikernes furor poeticus i litteratur, kunst og musik. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 47(127), 131–152.