Educated tastes


  • Liselotte Hedegaard UC Lillebælt



sensory experience, taste, phenomenology, experiental learning


This paper explores taste in the context of phenomenology and outlines possibilities for situating a phenomenological approach to taste within the framework of educational theory. In such an approach, taste emerges as a complex interaction between all senses and as interplay between recollection and anticipation. In this respect, taste-experience is indicative of a privileged but hitherto relatively unexplored access to cognition. It is a sensory encounter that encompasses possibilities for learning, not only about taste but also about other subjects through taste.


Author Biography

Liselotte Hedegaard, UC Lillebælt

Adjunkt, PhD



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How to Cite

Hedegaard, L. (2018). Educated tastes. Studier I Pædagogisk Filosofi, 6(2), 1–14.


