How can the role of the teacher be understood when school takes place at home?


  • Emilia Andersson-Bakken OsloMet - Storbyuniversitetet
  • Ingvill Krogstad Svanes
  • Tuva Bjørkvold



Homeschool, The teacher role, Teaching practice


During the Covid-19 outbreak in March 2020, all Norwegian primary schools got closed down, and both pupils and teachers had to move the school home. This challenged the established teacher role and led to changes in teachers' teaching practices. The purpose of this article is to discuss the role of the teacher, concretized as the teacher's teaching practice in the time of homeschooling. In order to shed light on the teachers' teaching practice we take as our starting point interviews with teachers and texts from the pupils in primary school collected during the period of home schooling. In light of this material, as well as Gert Biesta's distinction between ‘learning from’ and ‘being taught by’ we discuss how the teacher's role and teaching practice in the home school can be understood.


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How to Cite

Andersson-Bakken, E., Krogstad Svanes, I., & Bjørkvold, T. (2021). How can the role of the teacher be understood when school takes place at home?. Studier I Pædagogisk Filosofi, 10(1).