Pedagogy as a Handmaid of Prophylaxis

A Non-Simultaneous Specula Principum for Prohylactic Reason and its Anticipatory Intervention in The Life of Humans and Society




Pædagogik, profylakse, diætetik, diaita, paideia, usamtidighed, for(e)gribelse, Hippokrates, Galen, Avicenna


One of the most important lesson to be learned from the corona pandemic might be, that it makes a difference which normativity sets the norms for our way of living. It makes no small difference to the life of humans and society, whether this normativity is prophylactic or pedagogical. Disease, insecurity and death are faithful companions of the pandemic; and prophylactic reason rules in times of such critical occurences. In such times it might occur that pedagogy so to speak falls into the hands of prophylaxis, thus turning pedagogy into a handmaid of prophylaxis. The essay problematizes this through non-simultaneous specula principum rooted in the ancient art of medicine and living.

Author Biography

Frank Juul Agerholm, UC SYD

Lektor, ph.d. & cand. pæd. i pædagogisk filosofi




How to Cite

Agerholm, F. J. (2021). Pedagogy as a Handmaid of Prophylaxis: A Non-Simultaneous Specula Principum for Prohylactic Reason and its Anticipatory Intervention in The Life of Humans and Society. Studier I Pædagogisk Filosofi, 10(1).