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No. 4 (2009)

“Best Practice” – visdommen i dansk naturfagsformidling

  • Jens Jakob Ellebæk
  • Lars Domino Østergaard
April 7, 2014


Med nedslag i henholdsvis børnehave, børnehaveklasse og folkeskolens indskoling fremstiller og karakteriserer vi i artiklen tre eksempler på elementer af god praksis i naturfagene. Her anføres det potentielt nyttige i at indsamle viden om gode formidlingssekvenser fra praksis, både for den akademiske verden og praksisfeltet selv. Der argumenteres for at disse nedslag i hvert deres praksisfelt i det naturfaglige uddannelsesområde ikke som forventet antyder overgangsproblematikker men derimod komplementerer hinanden og faciliterer elevens sammenhængende naturvidenskabelige dannelsesudvikling. Artiklens forfattere problematiserer desuden den tiltagende nationale brug af det internationalt anerkendte begreb “Best Practice” og anfører “elementer af god praksis” som et mere anvendeligt begreb i en dansk naturfagsdidaktisk sammenhæng. With episodes from both Danish kindergarten, preschool and early folkeskole, this article presents and characterizes three examples of “elements of good practice” in preschool and primary school science education. We state that it is potentially useful to collect knowledge about good practice examples, both for the academic world and for the field of practitioners themselves. It is argued that these examples from different fields of practice in science education do not as expected indicate transfer problems from one field to another, but on the contrary that these differences might be necessary to facilitate the formation of the child’s interest in nature and scientific habit of mind. In addition to that, the authors of this article problematize the increasing national use of the internationally established concept “Best Practice” and state “elements of good practice” as a more useful concept in the context of Danish science education.

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