Unio mystica. Skabelse af en topos


  • Rigmor Kappel Schmidt Fri forsker uden institutionstilknytning




carpe diem, unio mystica, topos, figur, syn, negation, sekularisering


The secular carpe diem and the religious unio mystica are historically very active in the Renaissance and the Baroque. Both form important steps in the development towards a secularized culture, abandoning the idea of eternal life with the carpe diem, and giving up the ecclesiastical hierarchy in favour of direct contact to God in the unio mystica, cf. Rudolf Otto.
The topos unio mystica is restructured and secularized in the “Aleph” by the Argentinian author Jorge Luis Borges introducing the complex figure of the repeated visual verb ver combined with a synedochical selection among the entirety of the vision. The complex figure reoccurs in Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez, in the Black Book by the Orhan Pamuk, and without the figure in The War at the End of the World by Mario Vargas Llosa, each of them altering the topos according to their narrative needs.
As stated in Ernst Robert Curtius, the topos can be seen as historically variant, and with Marie Lund Klujeff it is proposed that the figure as such can contribute actively in the creation and restructuring of the topos, thus not only being confined to the elocutio, but also contributing to the inventio.


Rigmor Kappel Schmidt, Fri forsker uden institutionstilknytning

Rigmor Kappel Schmidt har udgivet Magisk realisme og fantastik i Latinamerika (Århus: Klim, 1997), Bakhtin & Don Quixote. En indføring i Mikhail M. Bakhtins univers (Århus: Klim, 2003) og Storytelling: fra don Quixote til Lars Larsen (Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2012). Har bl.a. oversat Mario Vargas Llosa: Krigen ved Verdens Ende og Miguel de Cervantes: Den sindrige ridder don Quixote de la Mancha. Desuden er artiklerne ”Sækulariseret alviden” om sekulariseringen i spansksproget kultur og ”Sjælens skraldemand: unio mystica med bagsiden af alt” om unio mystica og Rudolf Otto i Karl Ove Knausgård Min kamp relevante at nævne.


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García Márquez, Gabriel. Cien Años de soledad. Buenos Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 1969 (1967).

García Márquez, Gabriel. Hundrede års ensomhed. København: Samlerens forlag, 1969 (1967).

Goldbæk, Henning: ”Istanbul som ventesal. Orhan Pamuk mellem sufimystik og moderne kulturbevidsthed”. Tidsskriftet Spring, nr. 27, (2009): 227-239. Særnummer om Rejse og modernitet. Europæisk litteratur fra Diderot til Pamuk.

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Klujeff, Marie Lund. ”Retoriske figurer og stil som argumentation”. Rhetorica Scandinavica 45, (2008): 28-48.

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Schmidt, R. K. (2017). Unio mystica. Skabelse af en topos. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 45(123), 135–150. https://doi.org/10.7146/kok.v45i123.96833


