Infrakritik og proximering. Om at finde den rette afstand


  • Christopher Gad IT University of Copenhagen
  • Brit Ross Winthereik IT University of Copenhagen



Infra critique, fisheries inspection, sustainable energy, ethnography, science and technology studies (STS)


In this paper, we compare critical practices on the Danish fishery inspection ship The West Coast to such practices at the Nordic Folk Center for Renewable Energy. These cases are the ingredients for examining the role of critique in organizational experimentation and research. Taking our point of departure in a notion of critique as finding the right proximity introduced by Bruno Latour and Donna Haraway, we discuss alternatives to critique as based on a position detached from the object of critique. Our analysis shows that critique is immanent to the practices we study and already to some extent conceptualized by the practitioners. To further problematize the already ongoing critical engagements in the organizations we study, we relate our ethnographic descriptions to work done on infra critique (Verran, Willerslev). In conclusion, the relation between the notion of critique as infra-critic and scholarly critical practices is commented on. We find proximation to be a useful concept as an infra critical description of ongoing experimentation with professional identities and organizational boundaries.


Christopher Gad, IT University of Copenhagen

Christopher Gad er lektor ved IT-Universitetet i København. Han er formand for den danske forening for videnskabs-og teknologistudier (DASTS) samt leder af kandidatuddannelsen i Digital Innovation og Management. Han har publiceret i en række danske og internationale tidskrifter særligt med fokus på udfordringer ved analyse og begrebsliggørelse af teknologi, organisation og praksis og senest om ’laterale begreber’ i Engaging Science, Technology and Society.

Brit Ross Winthereik, IT University of Copenhagen

Brit Ross Winthereik er lektor ved IT-Universitetet i København. Hun har udgivet Monitoring Movements in Development Aid: Recursive Partnerships and Infrastructures sammen med Casper Bruun Jensen (MIT Press, 2007), og arbejder i grænsefeltet mellem videnskabs- og teknologistudier, innovations- og organisationsstudier og antropologi. Fra 2017 leder af det Velux-sponsorerede forskningsprojekt ’Data as Relation: Governance in the age of big data’.


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Gad, C., & Winthereik, B. R. (2016). Infrakritik og proximering. Om at finde den rette afstand. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 44(122), 343–358.