’At overskue, tilfredsstille og lyksaliggjøre’


  • Tine Damsholt Københavns Universitet




happiness, bliss, population, folk life, police


Taking its point of departure in Foucault’s analysis of the notions of ‘reason of state’ and ‘police’ i.e. Polizeiwissenschaft in eighteenth-century Europe, the article investigates the complex understanding of happiness and bliss in a Danish parish topography from 1795. The notions of happiness and bliss are entangled with the emergence of ‘the political problem of population’ in which the population appears as an entity that must be governed according to its specific ‘nature’. Thus, the population appears as a new object of study and as purchase for interventions addressing living conditions as well as ways of acting and living. The parish topography by Nils Blicher is inscribed in this rationale that tends to increase the power of the state by making good use of its forces, to obtain the welfare of the population; to make their lives comfortable and to provide them with the things they need for their livelihood. Blicher’s description of the life and conditions of the peasantry is replete with suggested solutions to the problems described. And among the main objects to be concerned with are health and production, but also the happiness of the population. However, his understanding of happiness and bliss goes beyond the reason of the state and is completed with a Christian understanding of heavenly bliss.


Tine Damsholt, Københavns Universitet

Tine Damsholt er professor mso i etnologi ved Saxo-instituttet, Københavns Universitet. Hendes primære forskningsfelt er politisk kultur og særligt nationale, patriotiske og demokratiske diskurser i kulturhistorisk og nutidigt etnografisk perspektiv. Har bl.a. skrevet Fædrelandskærlighed og borgerdyd. Patriotisk diskurs og militære reformer i Danmark i det sene 1700-tal (2000), ”Innovation, Resistance or Tinkering: Rearticulating Everyday Life in an Ethnological Perspective” (i Ethnologia Europaea vol 44 – 2. 2014, sammen med A. Jespersen) og “Staging Emotions: on configurations of emotional selfhood, gendered bodies, and politics in late eighteenth century” (i Structures of Feeling: Affectivity and the Study of Culture, 2015).


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Jensen, Ella. ”Nils Blicher og jyske Dialekter”. Topographie over Vium Præstekald 1795, Genoptrykt i Blicherselskabets festskrift til Poul Skadhauge. 236-247. Herning: Blicher-Selskabet, 1978.

Mührmann-Lund, Jørgen. Borgerligt Regimente. Politiforvaltning i købstæderne og på landet under den danske enevælde. Ph.d.-afhandling. Institut for Kultur og Globale Studier, Aalborg Universitet, 2011.

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Damsholt, T. (2016). ’At overskue, tilfredsstille og lyksaliggjøre’. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 44(121), 115–134. https://doi.org/10.7146/kok.v44i121.23724


