Lykken i tilbagetrækningen


  • Michael Høxbro Andersen Københavns Universitet



Retreat, Otium, Revolution, Aesthetics, Politics


The concept of happiness becomes of great political importance in France during the Great Revolution. But 19th century French literature will question the possibility of producing a truly modern happiness through society. Withdrawing from post-revolutionary society then becomes a topos of the novel. As I argue in my paper, this is the case in the novels of Stendhal in particular. Inspired by Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s modern concept of otium, Stendhal articulates an opposition between an attitude that is strategic and histrionic, and a withdrawal into contemplation, with only the latter procuring any happiness: a happiness of sensation.


Michael Høxbro Andersen, Københavns Universitet

Michael Høxbro Andersen, lektor ved Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk. Tilknyttet forskningsprojektet ’French Literary History: Cultures of Topology’, der forsøger at kortlægge den franske nationallitteraturs topoi fra Renæssancen til i dag.


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Andersen, M. H. (2016). Lykken i tilbagetrækningen. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 44(121), 101–114.


