At begribe kroppen


  • Ivan Lind Christensen Aalborg Universitet



Body, Lifestyle, Epidemiology, Medical history, Moral


In the intersection between neoliberal entrepreneurship and epidemiological models of causation in late modernity the body has become one of the most prominent symbols of individual self-conduct, self-control and moral. Through the symbolic reading of the body, experts as well as laymen believe they can reach true statements about the individuals’ lifestyle, self-conduct, risk management, moral and not least self-discipline. But how did we come to a point in time where the body, health and illness became primarily the manifestation of lifestyle and individual self-conduct? In this article a few pieces of the Danish historical development towards this place in time will be outlined. The relationship between the body, culture and class has been the focal point of epidemiological research for well over 150 years. Characteristic of this production of knowledge is the formulation of shifting and often contradictory theories about the ontology of the individual and society, and the relation between these two entities. This article focuses on the development within epidemiological production of knowledge and its relations to contemporary intellectual, political and social changes, which seem to have been crucial for the way in which we now understand the body.


Ivan Lind Christensen, Aalborg Universitet

Ivan Lind Christensen, adjunkt ved Historiestudiet, Aalborg Universitet. Har udgivet Lethal Differences – a short history of the concepts of wealth and poverty in Danish epidemiological writings 1858-1914 (i History of the Human Sciences Vol. 24, Nr. 3, 2011, s. 1-21.) samt Arctic Neurasthenia – The Case of Greenlandic Kayak Fear 1864-1940 (i Social History of Medicine 26 (3): 2013, 489-509). Ph.d. fra KU, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, med afhandlingen Knowing the social: Historical reflections on the Danish production of social epidemiological knowledge 1858-1960.


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Christensen, I. L. (2015). At begribe kroppen. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 43(120), 37–62.