Platforme, museer og magt



Platforms, museums, power, practice, rationale, control


In this article, Valtysson investigates the impact of digital platforms on museums and how different museum workers perceive and react to the changing power dynamics caused by platformisation. This study is anchored in qualitative interviews with museum professionals at museums and exhibition spaces in Denmark and Norway and asks why and how different occupational identities within the museums perceive the advantages and disadvantages of engaging in digital platform communication, and how this affects the museum’s established role as an important actor within the field of cultural production. Findings indicate that the museums use digital platforms for various purposes, such as advocating for onsite activities, digitizing and making collections available for public use, and communicating with their online publics. Their platform communication does, however, also reveal challenges with regards to professional hierarchization internally amongst museums’ staff, and externally, problematic shifts in the power over the communication on popular platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube that are owned and operated by global Tech Giants.


Bjarki Valtýsson, Københavns Universitet

Lektor i Moderne Kultur på Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet. Valtýsson forsker i digitale kulturer og kulturpolitik, kulturinstitutioner og digitale platforme. Han leder forskningsprojektet Follow Me: The Influence of Danish Digital Media Creators og arbejder på en bog om Museernes platformisering. Hans seneste bog er Digital Cultural Politics: From Policy to Practice udgivet af Palgrave Macmillan


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Valtýsson, B. (2024). Platforme, museer og magt. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 52(138), 187–210. Hentet fra