Efter det kritiske subjekt





postkolonialisme, kritik, revolution, David Scott, Jacques Rancière, Fred Moten


The article revisits the question of the critical subject through a reading of Jacques Rancière and Fred Moten. It starts out by giving an account of a longer historical trajectory where the notions of critique and revolution have run into the ground. David Scott’s nuanced analysis of the shift from an anticolonial romantic revolutionary perspective to a tragic postcolonial stance is both affirmed and challenged. Affirmed in so far as Scott’s analysis is embedded in a broader historical context, challenged by the presentation of two attempts to think the notion of a critical subject after the disappearance of a previous notion of an antisystemic subject. The second half of the article is a discussion of Rancière’s notion of a political subjectivation that is not based on pre-existing identities but is a break with the logic of a functionalist society. Followed by a discussion of Moten’s concept of Blackness that follows the Afro-Pessimist reading of the radical dispossession of Blacks but turn it into a possibility for a different kind of community.


Mikkel Bolt, Københavns Universitet

Mikkel Bolt er professor ved Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Uni- versitet, og forfatter til en række bøger og artikler om de (anti)kunstneriske avantgarder, fascismens æstetisering af det politiske og den revolutionære traditions mellemværende med kunst som revolutionært medium. Seneste udgivelser inkluderer Dialog med de døde. Essays om avantgarderne og deres efterliv i den politiserede samtidskunst og nyere aktivisme (Antipyrine, 2023), Late Capitalist Fascism (Polity, 2021, spansk oversættelse på Mármol-Izquierdo, 2023, italiensk oversættelse på Malamente, 2024), På råbeafstand af marxismen. Studier i den vestlige marxismes selvkritik, udvidelse og afvikling (Antipyrine, 2019) og Hegel after Occupy (Sternberg Press, 2018, fransk oversættelse på Divergences, 2020). 


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Bolt, M. (2024). Efter det kritiske subjekt. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 52(137), 109–136. https://doi.org/10.7146/kok.v52i137.145766