«Der Stoff, aus dem die Kunst entsteht»

Terrorismens ikonografi i Cecilie Løveids ekfraser over Gerhard Richters 18. oktober 1977 (1988)


  • Benjamin Yazdan Universitet i Oslo




Cecilie Løveid, Gerhard Richter, terrorisme, medieestetikk, ekfrase


The public consumption of reproduced visualizations of terrorism and its perpetrators seems to have changed radically over the last few decades. The media aesthetics and the vulgar iconography of terrorism seem to surround us, available at the cost of a few operations on our smartphones. How does earlier “iconic” acts of terrorism and iconic imagery of terrorists prefigure this change of matters? 

In a close reading of Cecilie Løveid’s ekphrastic poem “Noen av 18. oktober-maleriene” [“Some of the October 18 paintings”] from her poetry collection Vandreutstillinger [“Wandering exhibitions”], these motifs are discussed in relation to her vision of Gerhard Richter’s photorealistic paintings of the Rote Armee Fraktion, more specifically his representations of female radical left activists and clandestine terrorists Ulrike Meinhof and Gudrun Ensslin. This article examines terrorism’s aestheticized gender politics, the profane beatification of notorious perpetrators, late capitalist consumerism of their images and the problematic of the artist’s partaking in such an aesthetic.


Benjamin Yazdan, Universitet i Oslo

PhD stipendiat
Nordisk litteratur ved Institutt for Nordisk


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Yazdan, B. (2022). «Der Stoff, aus dem die Kunst entsteht»: Terrorismens ikonografi i Cecilie Løveids ekfraser over Gerhard Richters 18. oktober 1977 (1988). K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 50(133), 145–174. https://doi.org/10.7146/kok.v50i133.132776