”Qui est Dominique Lambert?”

Sammenligning og virtualitet


  • Maja Bak Herrie Aarhus Universitet




sammenligning;virtualitet;databehandling;Stéphanie Solinas;Gilles Deleuze;


Comparison as a methodological or technical tool to perceive something that was not perceptible beforehand is a complex manoeuvre that gives rise to both potentials and challenges. While emphasising concealed or unseen similarities in artworks or literature, comparison also risks operating on the expense of the potential distance between the two subject matters compared. This article argues that the complex and curious art project Dominique Lambert (2004-2016) by the French artist Stéphanie Solinas offers itself as a valuable starting point for a discussion of a range of meta-theoretical and methodological questions related to ideas of comparison in a broader theoretical framework. The project not only questions how or when a comparison is possible, but also what the nature of comparisons is, and how comparisons are legitimised as such in humanistic knowledge production. Thus, it is the central hypothesis of the article that modes of comparing build upon ideas of virtuality, that is, that the ‘object’ of the comparison is produced as a manoeuvre connecting or relating two previously separated subject matters. Accordingly, Gilles Deleuze’ idea of virtuality is applied in order to understand and discuss prevailing uses of comparison, e.g. in the recent field of Digital Humanities.


Maja Bak Herrie, Aarhus Universitet

Maja Bak Herrie. PhD studerende ved Æstetik og Kultur på Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur ved Aarhus Universitet. I ph.d.-projektet Det digitale objekts æstetik udvikler hun et begreb om det digitale objekt, der kan danne grundlag for analyser af æstetiske og kulturelle muligheder og udfordringer, som nye typer af data og databehandling bringer med sig. Tidligere publikationer om vidensproduktion og vidensobjekter inkluderer bl.a. ”Unddragelsens kunst: Hermetiske objekter og deiksis uden kontekst i Gertrude Steins Tender Buttons.”, Passage 77 (2017).


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Herrie, M. B. (2019). ”Qui est Dominique Lambert?”: Sammenligning og virtualitet. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 47(127), 71–90. https://doi.org/10.7146/kok.v47i127.114744