Postfascismen, eller den sene kapitalismes kulturelle logik
postfascisme; Trump, Donald J.; Brexit; postmodernisme; Jameson, FredricResumé
Postfascism is very much a cultural phenomenon. And the conflicts of today occur less as class struggle than as cultural battles. Why is that? I propose to use Fred Jameson’s classic text on postmodernism (as the cultural logic of late capitalism) as a framework for considering the new postfascist tendencies that have emerged during the last few years in USA and Europe (Trump, Brexit, Alternative for Germany, Pegida, Le Pen, Wilders’ Party for Freedom, the Danish People’s Party etc.). Jameson’s analysis of postmodernism supplies us with a ‘take’ with which we can start mapping these reactionary or postfascist phenomena and embed them in an analysis of changes in late capitalism.
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