Celler til salg: Kunstneriske fortolkninger af vævsøkonomier


  • Pernille Leth-Espensen Aarhus Universitet




biokunst, cellekultur, bioværdi, vævsøkonomi, ægdonation, cellebanker, varegørelse, gave, Alicia King, Chrissy Conant


An extensive circulation of human tissue is taking place in our society today: blood, organs, reproductive tissue (eggs and semen), and cell lines. This circulation and commercialisation is thematised by a range of contemporary artists, who create artworks with cell and tissue culture technologies. The artist Alicia King has bought Hs 53.T cells from the cell bank ATCC (The American Type Culture Collection) and created a monument around this cell line. These cells originate from a 13-year old Afro-American girl, and the cell sample was taken in 1969. The artist Chrissy Conant uses her own tissue. She has ’harvested’ 12 of her own eggs at a fertility clinic, preserved them in glass jars with a lid inspired by caviar packaging, and put them for sale at $250.000. In the article it is argued that the artworks address the commercialisation of human tissue by pointing out or make visible technologies or processes that are unknown to the broader public or which have become naturalised – rather than by having a specific political agenda. King thematises the commodification of human tissue by moving the cells from the anonymity of the cell bank, while Conant addresses the increasing commodification of reproductive tissue by literally packaging and branding her own bodily tissue as a luxury product.


Pernille Leth-Espensen, Aarhus Universitet

Pernille Leth-Espensen er ph.d., postdoc i kunsthistorie ved Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet, finansieret af et Mads Øvlisen-stipendium fra Novo Nordisk Fonden. Hendes forskningsområde er kunst, der er skabt med teknologier fra natur­videnskaben. Har bl.a. udgivet ”Som at læse blindskrift med en meget lille finger”, Periskop 18: Det sande billede, 2017; ”Levende skulpturer”, Biozoom no. 2, vol. 18, Kunst og Videnskab, 2016; ”The Microscope as a Musical Instrument”, Art, Technology and Nature (Ashgate 2015). Har desuden publiceret om pengeseddelikonografi sm. m Lone Koefoed Hansen i artiklen “Cirkulerende monumenter”, Passepartout #29. Dansk guldalder – i nyt lys, 2009.


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Leth-Espensen, P. (2017). Celler til salg: Kunstneriske fortolkninger af vævsøkonomier. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 45(124), 209–232. https://doi.org/10.7146/kok.v45i124.103919


