Købmandskab i tyrker-frygtens tid


  • Peter Madsen Københavns Universitet




Tyrker-frygt, handelsrelationer, Hans Rosenplüt, Fortunatus


Attempts from the side of the Holy See to undercut commercial relations with the Near Orient were never particularly successful, not even after the Fall of Constantinople when fear of the Turks was on the rise. Two German literary works from the following half century demonstrate how the viewpoint of the merchants is articulated within a horizon of experience that is far from religious or geo-political concerns. In Rosenplüt’s carnival play Des Türken Fastnachtspiel the Turkish Sultan is depicted as representing an idealized state (not least when it comes to the conditions of commerce) contrasting the multifarious deficiencies of the Holy Roman Empire; in the anonymous novel Fortunatus the conditions and institutions of commercial relations are foregrounded, exemplified by Alexandria and with a focus on the rational logic of commerce.


Peter Madsen, Københavns Universitet

Peter Madsen er professor emeritus ved Institut for Kunst- og kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet. Artiklen er udsprunget af et kollektivt forskningsprojekt om islamiske kulturers rolle i europæisk litteratur, ligesom bl.a. samme forfatters artikler ”Petrarcas drøm og den muslimske verden. Det episke digt Africa" i Turban og Tiara. Renæssance­humanisternes syn på Islam og tyrkerne. Red. Pia Schwarz Lausten. København: Vandkunsten, 2016. 87-102 og ”Epic Encounters: From Torquato Tasso’s Gerusalemme Liberata to Miklós Zrinyi’s Obsidio Szigetiana” i Foundational Texts of World Literature. Red. Dominique Jullien, 2011. 119-137. Han har skrevet indledning til den nye danske oversættelse af Tusind og én Nat, 2013.


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Madsen, P. (2017). Købmandskab i tyrker-frygtens tid. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 45(124), 31–52. https://doi.org/10.7146/kok.v45i124.103644


