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Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography
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Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 89 (1989)
Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 89 (1989)
Marginaljorder i Norge
Sverre Øvstedal
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Marginaljordar kan användes for att minska nitrogenbelastningen på Kattegatt
Siegfried Fleischer
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The farmer and the marginal land
Frank Søndergaard Jensen
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Marginaljord i Norden - problem eller mulighed?
Anette Reenberg og Kr. M. Jensen
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Skogsplantering på marginaljord - miljö och ekonomi
Mats Olsson
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Sosio-økonomiske forhold og marginalisering i Norge
Torger Gillebo
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Storkøbenhavns vækstpotentiale i vesteuropæisk perspektiv
Christian Wichmann Matthiesser
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Jordbrugsmæssig anvendelse af tørre, sandede jorder
Lorens Hansen
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Den 26. Internationale Geograf kongres, Sydney, Australien 1988
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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Undersøgelser af kysten ved Danmarks ældste handelsplads, "Lundeborg" - foreløbig meddelelse
Merete Binderup
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Potentielle marginaljorder bestemt ud fra naturgivne faktorer
Henrik Breuning Madsen
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Marginalisering - økonomisk belyst
Alex Dubgaard
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La Dombes - natur- eller kulturlandskab?
Henning Mørch
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Vandløbene og deres omgivelser
Bent Lauge Madsen
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Late-Holocene soil toposequence in Stroud Basin, Central Wind River Mountains, western Wyoming
William C. Mahaney, K. Sanmugadas
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Los Navazos - skummede agre ved Guadalquivirs munding
Henning Mørch
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Vegetated buffer zone project of the Vantaa River river basin
Helena Ahola
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Late-holocene coastal evolution in the Hanstholm-Hjardemaal region, NW Denmark. Morphology, sediments and dating
Dan Bowman, Christian Christiansen, Mordeckai Magaritz
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Jorderosjon og næringslekkasje - omstilling av jordbruk fra korn til eng og beite
Bengt Rognerud
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Handbook of regional and urban economics. (Handbooks in economics, 7.) Vol l: Regional economics. Ed. by Peter Nijkamp. Vol 2: Urban economics. Ed. by Edwin S. Mills.
Hans Thor Andersen
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Sven Illeris: Byer og service.
John Jørgensen
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Handbuch des Geographieunterrichts / Gründungshrsg. Helmuth Köck, Bd. 10, 1: Physische Geofaktoren. Hrsg. von Heinz Nolzen. Verfasst von Hermann Gossmann et al.
Bjarne Holm Jakobsen
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C.P. Summerhayes, J. P. Ellis & P. Stoffers: Estuaries as sinks for sediment and industrial waste: a case history from the Massachusetts coast. (Contributions to sedimento o logy, 14.)
Morten Pejrup
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Hermann Lautensach: Korea: A geography based on the author 's travels and literature.
Sofus Christiansen
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Werner Rutz: Cities and towns in Indonesia, their development, current positions and functions with regard to administration and regional economy. (Urbanization
Sten Vailing
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Burkhard Hofmeister: Australia and its urban centres. the Earth,
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Mekuria Bulcha: Flight and integration: Causes of mass exodus from Ethiopia and problems of integration in the Sudan.
Sofus Christiansen
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Simon Duncan & Mark Goodwin: The local state and uneven development: behind the local government crisis.
Hans Thor Andersen
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Pierre Gentelle: Chine: un atlas économique = China: an economic atlas.
Henning Mørch
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Henning Sørensen: Rastoffer: Forekomst, forarbejdning, forbrug, forsyning i fremtiden.
Henrik Breuning-Madsen
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Karl Eckart: Die Eisen- und Stahlindustrie in den beiden deutschen Staaten.
Rolf Guttesen
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Symposium on Latin-American geosciences, 10: Berlin 1986. Ed. by H. Miller & U. Rosenfeld (Zentralblatt für Geologie
Morten Pejrup
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Reports on the Northeastern part of the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau: by Sino German Scientific Expedition. Eds.: Jürgen Hövermänn, Wang Wenying.
Bent Hasholt
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Ole Therkildsen: Watering white elephants? Lessons from donor funded planning and implementation of rural water supplies in Tanzania. (Centre for Development Research. Publications, 7.)
Sofus Christiansen
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Socialistische Staaten: Mittel- und Südosteuropas.
Rolf Guttesen
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Wolfgang Weischet: Einführung in die Allgemeine Klimatologie: physikalische und meteorologische Grundlagen. 4. überarb. u. erw. Aufl.
Birger U. Hansen
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T. H. Elkins with B. Hofmeister: Berlin: The structurea divided
Hans Thor Andersen
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Contemporary essays in Austrian and Hungarian geography: proceedings of the 1. Austro-Hungarian Geographical Seminar: Vienna, 17-19 November 1986. Ed. by Elisabeth Lichtenberger, Märton Pécsi. (Studies in geography in Hungary, 22.)
Rolf Guttesen
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Developments in river basin management: Proceedings of an lAWPRC conference held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 13-15 August 1986. Eds. N.L.R. Nucci, K. Vehara and W.S. Casadei. (Water science and technology, vol. 19 (1987) no. 9.)
Bent Hasholt
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Physical processes in estuaries. Eds.: Job Drankers, Wim van Leussen.
Morten Pejrup
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Landscape heterogeneity and disturbance. Ed.: Monica Goigel Turner.
Anette Reenberg
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The development of high technology industries: an international survey. Ed. by MichaelJ. Breheny and Ronald McQuaid.
Hans Thor Andersen
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Mushtagur Rahman: Agriculture in Pakistan. (Geography of world agriculture, 13).
Anette Reenberg
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Small and medium size enterprises and regional development. Ed. by Maria Giaoutzi, Peter Nijkamp and David J. Storey.
Hans Thor Andersen
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S. el Guindy and I. A. Risseeuw: Research on water management of rice fields in the Nile Delta, Egypt. (ILRI publication, 41.)
Henrik Breuning-Madsen
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Peter Beaumont, Gerald H. Blake, J. Malcolm Wagstaff: The Middle East: a geographical study. 2. ed.
Henning Mørch
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Scottish medieval town. Ed. by Michael Lynch, Michael Spearman, Stell.
Rolf Guttesen
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Armin Skowronek: Böden als Indikator klimagesteuerter Landformung in der zentralen Sahara. (Relief, Boden, Palåoklima, Bd. 5.).
Bjarne Holm Jakobsen
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British social trends since 1900: a guide to the changing social structure of Britain. Ed. by A. H. Halsey.
Hans Thor Andersen
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Handbuch des Geographieunterrichts / Gründungshrsg. Helmuth Köck, Bd. 1: Grundlagen des Geographieunterrichts. Hrsg. von Helmuth Köck. Verfasst von Josef Birkenhauer et al.
Rolf Guttesen
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The climate of China and global climate: Proceedings of the Beijing International Symposium on Climate Oct. 30 - Nov. 3, 1984 Beijing, China. Ed. by YeDuzhenget al.
Birger U. Hansen
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Analyse der Landschaft. Analyse und Typologie des Wirtschaftsraumes. K. Herz et al. (Studienbücherei Geographie für Lehrer, bd. 6) 2. Aufl.
Rolf Guttesen
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R. S. Scorer: Cloud investigation by satellite.
Birger U. Hansen
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Michael Succow: Landschaftökologische Moorkunde.
Bjarne Holm Jakobsen
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Manfred Domros and Peng Gongbing: The climate of China.
Birger U. Hansen
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Danmarks klima 1987. Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut.
Birger U. Hansen
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Eduard van Ermen & Erik van Mingroot: Danmark: og det øvrige Norden i gamle kort og stik.
Ib Rønne Kejlbo
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Die städtebauliche Entwicklung Berlins. Hrsg.: Der Senator für Stadtentwicklung und Umweltschutz, Berlin.
Hans Thor Andersen
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Determinants of tropical savannas: presentations made by savanna researchers at a workshop in Harare, Zimbabwe, December 1985. Ed. by Brian H. Walker. (lUBS monograph series, No. 3.)
Peter Strømgaard
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Heiner Barsch, Klaus Bürger: Naturressourcen der Erde und ihre Nutzung.
Rolf Guttesen
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J. N. R. Jeffers: Practitioner's handbook on the modelling of dynamic change in ecosystems. (SCOPE, 34).
Peter Strømgaard
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Karl Lenz: Kanada: eine geographische Landeskunde. (Wissenschaftliche Länderkunden, Bd. 30.)
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Bernd Wiese: Elfenbeinküste: Erfolge und Probleme eines Entwicklungslandes in den westafrikanischen Tropen. (Wissenschaftliche Länderkunden, Bd. 29.)
Peter Strømgaard
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Benno Werlen: Gesellschaft, Handlung und Raum: Grundlagen handlungstheoretischer Sozialgeographie. (Erdkundliches Wissen H. 89.)
Hans Thor Andersen
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A geography of the third world. J. P. Dickenson et al.
Peter Strømgaard
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Interregional migration: dynamic theory and comparative analysis. W. Weidlich, G. Haag (eds.).
Henning Mørch
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Peripheralisation and industrial change: impacts on nations, regions, firms and people. Ed. by G. J. R. Linge.
Hans Thor Andersen
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Sedimentary processes on the Amazon continental shelf. Eds.: Charles A. Nittrouer & David J. DeMaster. (Continental shelf research, vol. 6, 1986 No. 1/2.)
Morten Pejrup
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The uncertain future of the urban core. Christopher M. Law et al. (Eds.).
Hans Thor Andersen
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Mineral resources' extraction, environmental protection and land-use planning in the industrial and developing countries. Eds. Peter Gerd W.
Bjarne Holm Jakobsen
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Michael Richter: Natürliche Grundlagen und agrarökologische Probleme im Soconusco und im Motozintla-Tal, Südmexico. Erdwissenschaftliche Forschung, Bd. 20.
Sofus Christiansen
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From Scandinavia to America: proceedings from a conference held at Gl. Holtegaard. Ed. by Steffen Elmer Jørgensen, LarsScheving, and Niels Peter Stilling. (Odense University studies in history and social sciences, vol. 103).
Sten Vailing
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Land evaluation studies in Hungary. Ed. by Dénes Löczy. (Studies in geography in Hungary, 23.)
Sofus Christiansen
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Deutscher Geographentag, 46, München 12. bis 16. Oktober 1987: Tagungsbericht und wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Hrsg. von Hans Becker und Wolf-Dieter Hütteroth. (Verhandlungen des Deutschen Geographentages, Bd. 46.)
Henning Mørch
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Jean Chaussade et Jean-Pierre Corlay: Atlas des peches et des cultures marines en France.
Rolf Guttesen
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W. Dansgaard: Klima, vejr og mennesker.
Birger U. Hansen
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Biological phosphate removal from wastewaters: proceedings of an IA WPRC specialized conference held in Rome, Italy, 28-30
Henrik Breuning-Madsen
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Stanley P. Johnson: World population and the United Nations: challenge and response.
Sofus Christiansen
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Atlas der Donauländer. Lieferung 8. 1985. Red. Josef Breu. Atlas der Donauländer. Lieferung 9. 1988. Red. Josef Breu. Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut.
Henning Mørch
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Information China: The comprehensive and authoritative reference source of new China. Vol. 1. Ed. by C. V. James.
Henning Mørch
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Long and short term variability of climate. H. Wanner, U. Siegenthaler (Eds.). (Lecture notes in earth sciences, 16.)
Henrik Breuning-Madsen
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Paul A. Delcourt, Hazel R. Delcourt: Longterm forest dynamics of the Temperate Zone: a case study of late-quaternary forests in Eastern North America. (Ecological studies, vol. 63.)
Henrik Breuning-Madsen
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Use of soil for treatment and final disposal of effluents and sludge: Proceedings of an lAWPRC International Seminar held in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 13-15 August 1986. Paulo R.C. Oliveira, Sergio A.S. Almeida (eds.). (Water Science and Technology, vol. 19 (1987) no. 8.)
Bent Hasholt
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North Sea oil and gas reservoirs: proceedings of the North Sea oil and gas reservoirs seminar organized and hosted by the Norwegian Institute of technology (NTH) in Trondheim, December 2-4, 1985. Ed. by J. Klemme et al.
Thomas Balstrøm
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Geology of the Norwegian oil and gas fields: an atlas of hydrocarbon discoveries, containing full descriptions of 37 of Norway's major oil and gas fields and finds: prepared in conjunction with the conference proceedings: Habitat of hydrocarbons on the Norwegian continental shelf: organized by the Norwegian Petroleum Society in Stavanger, Norway, 1-3 October 1985. Ed. by A. M. Spencer et al.
Thomas Balstrøm
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Gerhard H. Eisbacher: Nordamerika. (Geologie der Erde, bd. 2.)
Morten Pejrup
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Asian urbanization: problems and processes. By Frank J. Costa et al. (Urbanization of the Earth, 5).
Sten Vailing
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Fremmede i Danmark: 400 års fremmedpolitik. Red. af Bent Blüdnikow (Odense University Studies in history and social sciences, vol. 104).
Sten Vailing
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Viggo Hansen 9.8.1913-22.3.1989
Af. N. Kingo Jacobsen
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Nye kandidater udgået fra Københavns Universitets Geografiske Institut
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