Operationelle læringsmål: Revision med studenterinddragelse


  • Marianne Ellegaard Københavns Professionshøjskole
  • Henriette Lorenzen Københavns Professionshøjskole
  • Jesper Bahrenscheer Københavns Professionshøjskole




We present a development project where the teachers at XX at YY have jointly revised all the learning objectives of the programme.
The purpose was to promote the students' understanding of the objectives, which is why the revision work, among other things,
is based on input from the students, in the form of a survey before the work was initiated, as well as feedback on pilot versions
of the revised formulations. The development work was carried out in a collaboration between all lecturers, in working groups
for each semester and with peer feedback between semesters on draft descriptions. The result was: • Fewer learning objectives with a clear separation between objectives and content • A standardized format via a common template for descriptions for all semesters • Clearer and for the students more comprehensible wording: More user-friendly, and uniform language between semesters • A short and precise format that focuses on what the students must be able to do with the academic content of the course/semester


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How to Cite

Ellegaard, M., Lorenzen, H., & Bahrenscheer, J. (2024). Operationelle læringsmål: Revision med studenterinddragelse. The Danish Journal of Higher Education, 19(36). https://doi.org/10.7146/dut.v19i36.140195