From Research Based Education to Research-Teaching-Integration in words and figures
Research and teaching are the main activities at Danish universities. Researchers and students often experience these two activities as separate things. Since 2014, the University of XX has focused on Research-Based-Teaching (RBT) and from 2016; the aim has been to increase Research-Teaching-Integration (RTI) by supporting around 50 experiments with RTI activities at course level at all faculties. The overall ambition is to tie research and teaching closer together that support student learning as well as research based knowledge creation at the same time. We investigate and evaluate the process from 2014 and up to date. However, it is not possible to increase integration without experiencing dilemmas concerning differences in relation to ambitions and between disciplines as well as between normative and descriptive models. We conclude that the experiments and knowledge-sharing tentatively contribute integration and at the same time ensure that it it is possible to practice RTI in different ways. We find two spin-offs; one is that the experiments initiate student activating teaching methods as well as they facilitate sharing of knowledge across disciplines and faculties.
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