DUT Guide: To Online Teaching


  • Maria Hvid Stenalt Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University
  • Dorte Sidelmann Rossen Dorte Sidelmann Rossen, Centre for Educational Development, Aarhus University




This guide provides eight tips for teachers on planning, developing, conducting, and evaluating online teaching. The guide refers to online teaching as educational interactions made possible by using digital information technology, and it relates, in particular, to active or student-centred approaches to teaching. In addition, the guide emphasises that online teaching is a multi-way process with many interactants, materials, and actions conveying meaning that affects students' sense-making and activities.


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How to Cite

Stenalt, M. H., & Sidelmann Rossen, D. (2023). DUT Guide: To Online Teaching . The Danish Journal of Higher Education, 18(34), 59–69. https://doi.org/10.7146/dut.v18i34.136265