“There is Only One Gender in The Danish Defence” – The tensions of gender neutrality in a male dominated organization
Arbejdsliv, Mangfoldighed, Mandsdominerede arbejdspladser, Ligestilling, SubjektiveringAbstract
To recruit more female cadets, and thereby increase equality and diversity in The Danish Defence, the organization has chosen a gender-neutral strategy under the slogan: “There is only one gender; soldier”. The gender-neutral strategy involves an effort to ensure that no gender-based distinction is made between the individual soldiers. This article examines how female and male cadets experience the significance of gender and the gender-neutral strategy in their work life. The empirical data consists of seven semi-structured interviews with cadets. We apply Søndergaard’s conceptual framework on gender in order to capture and analyze the positioning and subjectification processes that occur in The Danish Defence. This article concludes that the desire for “gender-neutrality” creates a tension zone. For example, it is established that the uniform is seen as a way in which gender is “equalized”, thus contributing to neutrality in the work life practices of the organization. Concurrently it is seen how discursive gender stereotypes subtly flourish, which position the female cadets in an ambiguous position between “being an equal soldier” and “having to prove their worth” in the male-dominated organization. This article discusses the implications of operating with a gender-neutral strategy in a historically heavily male-dominated arena.
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