Mellemlederes målstyringspraksis i et højt formaliseret performanceog målstyringssystem
Middle managers’ goal-management in a highly formalised performance
Performance management, Mellemledere, Motivation, Ledelse, Målstyring, PositioneringAbstract
This article illustrates how three senior managers in a Danish global pharmaceutical company enacted their performance management practices in conjunction with the company’s formal performance and goal management system. The article is based on a field study within the biotech company, from which three departmental managers were selected as research focus. We found that the company’s performance and target management system had a high level of formalization, centralization and top management of key performance indicators (KPIs) and target fi gures. In addition, the company’s target and performance indicators focused on controlling, managing and optimizing short-term quantitative results, rather than developing long-term performance of the employees and the organization. In spite of the system’s intended discipline, practices were different pertaining to how, and to what extent the three managers used the formal KPIs and target numbers to govern their departments, and whether they spent time on non-formal activities, such as the development of quality and teamwork, in addition to the required practices. The article discuss practical implications, including that department managers may need each other as sparring partners more than ever, despite their different professional approaches to performance management.
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