What motivates nurses in a Danish public hospital post COVID-19?
A qualitative analysis of autonomy, extrinsic motivation and amotivation
Arbejdsmiljø, Arbejdsvilkår, Fastholdelse, Interviews, SygeplejerskerAbstract
Nurses are essential for public hospitals. However, the profession has experienced high demands for cost-effectiveness, reorganizations, tight economy, political interference, COVID-19, and high turnover for many years. In 2030 there will be a shortage of at least 8.200 nurses in Denmark. To turn this trend, knowledge of the interplay between working conditions and what motivates the nurses is needed. The research question is: What is the interplay between working conditions and motivation for experienced nurses at a public Danish hospital after COVID-19? The analysis reveals that experienced nurses’ motivation is far more complex than the preconception of the profession as a calling and shows a close interplay between the nurses’ working conditions and their motivation. Many nurses are intrinsically motivated by patient care and collaboration with colleagues. However, tough working conditions like high demands for cost-effectiveness, reorganizations, lack of autonomy and lack of leadership encourage the nurses to different types of extrinsic motivations and amotivation. Additionally, the situation results in moral dilemmas between the nurses’ aim to deliver patientcare and institutional constrains, family- and working life and the nurses physical and mental health. The article identifies autonomy, communities, lower workload and leadership as essential for nurses’ intrinsic motivation and retention.
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