Instrumentalundervisningens problem – en kritik af fraværet af instrumentalpædagogisk grundlagsforskning
Music, instrumental teaching, philosophy of Science, epistemology, taste, tradition, instrumental pedagogy, knowledge, know-how, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Philosophical Hermeneutics.Abstract
The article argues that there is a need for a thorough philosophical inquiry into the epistemological basis of instrumental teaching. This kind of inquiry has not previously been undertaken. The way in which practitioners within the instrumental-pedagogical field are often making subjective and individual references to taste (taste-argument) and tradition (tradition-argument) in order to legitimize the self-understanding of the instrumental-pedagogical field, is critiqued. Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics and his opus magnum, Truth and Method, are primarily informing the hermeneutical and epistemological analysis and critique of the instrumental-pedagogical praxis. The aim of the article is not only to point to the absence of epistemological research, but also to sketch the foundation for a future constructive discussion about the cultivation of critical self-understanding of the instrumental-pedagogical field.
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