Critical pedagogy

Business students learning from A Story of the Earth Liberation Front


  • Helen Kopnina The Hague University of Applied Sciences



critical pedagogy; ecological citizenship; eco-pedagogy; environmentalism; sustainability


While environmentalism is often associated with different non-governmental organizations, agencies, movements, institutions, and grassroots groups, one of the least understood types of environmentalism is so-called radical activism. This article will argue that the label of radicalism or even terrorism attached to some forms of environmental activism precludes learning about the causes of environmental crises. Based on the work of Paulo Freire in critical pedagogy and eco-pedagogy, this article supports the position that learning about social and political framing of “radicalism” as well as the issues that drive this “radical” action help the development of critical thinking and ethical judgment in students. By analyzing student reflection essays on the film If a Tree Falls: A Story of the Earth Liberation Front, this article draws lessons in ecological citizenship and critical thinking.



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How to Cite

Kopnina, H. (2019). Critical pedagogy: Business students learning from A Story of the Earth Liberation Front. Studier I Pædagogisk Filosofi, 8(1), 43–68.