When play does not play out easily

The significance of pedagogical participation in children’s play


  • Julia Nørgaard Ravn




Early childhood education, children in vulnerable positions, play, children’s communities, participation, development, pedagogy


The aim of this study has been to explore how pedagogues are involved in
children’s play in ways that expand the participation of children in vulnerable
positions. The study draws on a socio-cultural perspective; especially the
concept of guided participation developed by Rogoff (1990) plays a significant
role in the study. The research question has been researched methodically
through participant observations and interviews conducted in an ECEC
for children aged 0-6 in a so-called vulnerable residential area in Denmark.
On the basis of a thematic analysis, it is found that pedagogues use three
recurring roles in children’s play. The three roles are named; play partner,
play supporter and play catalyst, and through analyzes of empirical examples,
it is illustrated how the pedagogues, through their involvement in the
play, create different fruitful opportunities for the children’s participation. At
the same time, the analysis folds out the complexity of children’s play and
the pedagogical work concerning children’s play and communities.


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How to Cite

Nørgaard Ravn, J. (2023). When play does not play out easily: The significance of pedagogical participation in children’s play. Psyke & Logos, 43(2). https://doi.org/10.7146/pl.v43i2.137303