Den pædagogiske grundfortælling, den pædagogiske relation og pædagogisk paternalisme
- identificering af et moralsk problem i pædagogikken
Within the last two decades an increasing demand has grown for establishing an intimate and binding relationship between the educator/teacher and the person being educated/taught - a genuine 'pedagogical relationship'. It is claimed that this relationship hides a moral problem, and it is the purpose of the paper to identify its nature. Three theoretical approaches which discuss aspects of the 'pedagogical relationship' are considered, i.e. an approach from the narratological tradition which analyzes what here is denoted as the 'fundamental educational story', an approach from the 'Geistenwissenschaftliche' tradition, which analyzes the phenomena 'der pädagogische Bezug', and an approach from the analytical philosophy, which discusses the problem of paternalism. It is shown in the last section that due to the special nature of the educational relationship, a moral problem
emerges from an anti-paternalistic wiewpoint.
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