Measurement of social cognitive deficits in healthy Danish adults
Psychological testing, Social cognitive tests, TASIT, Animated Triangles, Brünes Picture Arrangement, Animated Triangles, Brünes Picture Arrangement, Picture Arrangement WAIS-III, Family Pictures WMS-IIIAbstract
The aim of this study was a) to examine how healthy Danish adults perform on a selection of social cognitive tasks (TASIT, Animated Triangles, Brünes Picture Arrangement), and b) to examine the potential social cognitive content of two cognitive tasks (Picture Arrangement WAIS-III and Family Pictures WMS-III) that have good Danish norms. 46 Danish, healthy participants aged 20-38 completed a comprehensive test battery. Results showed that the social cognitive tasks differed in quality with regard to the level of complexity and dispersion of scores. The tests did not show any performance variation when allowing for gender. Finally, the results highlighted a great potential in one of the two cognitive tasks with regard to estimating the social cognitive domain of Theory of Mind.
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