Group psychotherapy for parent bereaved children and teenagers – a pilot study


  • Trine Pagh Pedersen
  • Marie Stigaard Tølbøll
  • Gyrith Karskov Berthelsen
  • Hanne Søndergaard Knudsen
  • Kristine Jensen de López



Group therapy, Children, Adolescents, Bereaved children


Losing a parent in childhood or during youth can have large consequences and 10% of all bereaved children and teenagers develop complicated grief. This pilot study presents results from a pre- and posttest design that captures changes in grief and well-being of Danish children and teenagers after participation in a intervention for grief. In total twenty-one children and teenagers aged 6-15 years participated in a ten-week group therapy intervention. Teenagers and parents of the children answered electronic questionnaires which measured grief and well-being before and after the group intervention. Statistical significant declines in grief symptoms and statistical significant improvements in some areas of general well-being were observed. The results indicate that parentally bereaved children and teenagers show reduced grief symptoms and improvement in well-being after group therapy. The results are compared to those of existing studies, grief theories, methodological limitations and clinical implications.




How to Cite

Pedersen, T. P., Tølbøll, M. S., Berthelsen, G. K., Knudsen, H. S., & Jensen de López, K. (2019). Group psychotherapy for parent bereaved children and teenagers – a pilot study. Psyke & Logos, 40(1), 147–164.