Nature as a treatment – theoretical considerations on atmosphere, relations, and space. A pilot study.

Teoretiske og empiriske overvejelser om stemning og relationer i et terapeutisk rum


  • Kirsten K. Roessler
  • Simon Høegmark
  • Henning Eichberg
  • Klaus Robering



mænd med stress, stressforskning, rehabilitering, natur og helbred


Space, nature, relations and atmospheres are phenomena that will be discussed based on the paradigm of environmental psychology. The aim is to investigate, how nature can support health. In general, theoretical considerations on space are followed by a description; how patients with health-related problems profit from being in nature. Even when it is common knowledge, that staying in natural environments is positive, researchers, communities and outdoor instructors seldom work together in an applied research
project. Our paper communicates experiences from a pilot study working with nature as a treatment for men on sick leave caused by stress, pain or chronic disease. The intervention is established as cooperation between Svendborg Municipality and the Naturama museum. The goal is to use nature as an alternative treatment for a group of men who did not profit from other treatment offers from their municipality. Four eight-week courses with a total of 33 participants are described, discussing treatment in nature as new rehabilitation
offer especially for men on long-term sick leave.




How to Cite

Roessler, K. K., Høegmark, S., Eichberg, H., & Robering, K. (2019). Nature as a treatment – theoretical considerations on atmosphere, relations, and space. A pilot study.: Teoretiske og empiriske overvejelser om stemning og relationer i et terapeutisk rum. Psyke & Logos, 39(1), 162–176.