Bereavement hallucinations or sensory perceptions?
En oversigtsartikel og kritisk diskussion af efterladtes oplevelse af at sanse den afdøde
sorgforskning, sorghallucinationer, sanseoplevelserAbstract
It is common for bereaved people to see, hear, feel or sense the presence of the deceased, yet our knowledge of these experiences is still limited. In particular, little is known about how these experiences influence bereaved people and their adjustment to the loss. However, sensory perception is surrounded by a general taboo among bereaved and professionals alike, which could be part of the reason why these experiences have received limited (research) attention.
At this time, we lack a common language for sensory perceptions of the deceased shared by both laypeople and professionals, and therefore the challenges of finding such a language are discussed. Furthermore, this article will contribute with a critical overview of the current status of this field of research, touching upon the phenomenology, associations to demographic and personal characteristics of the bereaved, as well as associations to the process of grief. Finally, recommendations for addressing grief in the clinic are described.
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