Sporting Socialities Revisited – Experience rather than Ability


  • Daniel Bjørnholt Christensen



sport, curiosity, humility, performance pressure, instrumentalism, life skills


Sporting communities are a significant and widely distributed kind of sociality in a Danish context. In order to reverse the decreasing well-being amongst Danish youth, sporting communities have been urged to offer a breathing space from the performance pressure of everyday life. Current approache have an explicit non-performance focus in their recommendations for youth
sports. At the same time, these approaches do not rid themselves of performances. Instead, they face the risk of moving performances to a non-sportive domain consisting of skills that enables the young to master an athlete’s life. The present article offers an empirically grounded understanding of the breathing space aimed at supplementing the current sportive and non-sportive
skill-centred view. Based on interviews with an experienced coach, this is unfolded as certain experiences rather than the development of abilities. The central experiences are: The joy of giving and curiosity. These are manifested in the pursuit of togetherness in the group and are presented as experiences worthy of pursuit for their own sake. Finally, I will shed light on the developed understanding using Aristotle’s distinction between activity and process and Heidegger’s exploration of the nature of technology.


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How to Cite

Bjørnholt Christensen, D. (2023). Sporting Socialities Revisited – Experience rather than Ability. Psyke & Logos, 44(1), 10–29.


