No. 9 (2021): Praksisfortolkninger af læremidler

					View No. 9 (2021): Praksisfortolkninger af læremidler

In this issue of Learning Tech, Practical Interpretations of Teaching Aids, the focus is on theoretical and empirical research that examines and maps teachers 'and students' use of teaching aids in teaching - digital as well as analogue. Thus, the focus is on teaching material didactics in a subject didactic perspective, both in relation to intended, actualized and realized learning design. The teaching aids and their use are categorized and analyzed from different angles and from different subjects - both mathematics, Danish, Spanish and history. Together, the eight articles provide different suggestions on the use of teaching aids in different practices and a number of different relationships between and around teaching aids are addressed.

You can also read the issue on the magazine's website.

Published: 2021-10-27

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