En rejse med det infra-ordinære tog. Skitseringen af en samtidstopik i fransk samtidslitteratur


  • Tue Løkkegaard Københavns Universitet




topos, fransk samtidslitteratur, sted, hverdag, social, tog, klasser, immigration, metropoesi


This article examines how the study of topoi can be developed with regards to contemporary literature. Looking to French literature and its current interest in the everyday and our empirical places, the article discusses both how a literary topology can further an understanding of how and why these authors search for our everyday places, and how a contemporary topology necessarily needs to focus less on narrative itself and more on the articulation of place and experience. Acknowledging how the train becomes a recurrent topos in French literature, this article proposes a method that combines and rethinks a modern topology with an idea of place as a locus for an everyday social experience disturbing both empirical and literary convention.


Tue Løkkegaard, Københavns Universitet

Tue Løkkegaard, ph.d.-stipendiat ved Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk på Københavns Universitet. Nyeste udgivelser indbefatter ”Between places. Everyday Experience and Everyday Places in Leslie Kaplan and François Bon” (i Experiencing the Everyday, NSU Press, Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2017), samt “Rumforskeren Perec. Efterskrift” (m. Thomas Hvid Kromann, 2016). Artiklen er del af ph.d.-afhandlingen med arbejdstitlen En infra-ordinær rejse. Toget som topos i fransk samtidslitteratur.


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Løkkegaard, T. (2017). En rejse med det infra-ordinære tog. Skitseringen af en samtidstopik i fransk samtidslitteratur. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 45(123), 233–252. https://doi.org/10.7146/kok.v45i123.96838


