I tvivlsomme kampe. Strejken og romanen, 1850-1950


  • Nicklas Freisleben Lund Københavns Universitet




Strejker, litteraturhistorie, strejkelitteratur, Pelle Erobreren, Den store Kamp, , Émile Zola, Martin Andersen Nexø, klasse og litteratur, Jacques Rancière


Through the analyses of Émile Zola’s Germinal (1885) and Martin Andersen Nexø’s The Great Struggle (1909) the article investigates the strike as a topos in Western literature between 1850 and 1950. The article argues that the strike should be not considered a passive object; something that is merely being portrayed. Rather the strike has an active and formative function in the texts in which it appears, as it generates a distinct literary form – the Strike Novel – that among other things is characterized by a peculiar and ambivalent political outlook. An ambivalence emerging from the strike’s own characteristics as a practical form of political resistance linking the phenomenon closely to the question of how to act politically.


Nicklas Freisleben Lund, Københavns Universitet

Nicklas Freisleben Lund, ph.d.-studerende ved Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet. HHar senest udgivet ”De fremtidsløse tager ordet” (Århus: Passage 76, 2016), ”Blut und Öl” (København: Kulturo 42, 2016), ”Udkantsapokalypse og velfærdsdystopi” (København: Dansk Noter 3/2016, 2016). Den trykte artikel er en del af et ph.d.-projekt om strejken og romanen.


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Lund, N. F. (2017). I tvivlsomme kampe. Strejken og romanen, 1850-1950. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 45(123), 213–232. https://doi.org/10.7146/kok.v45i123.96837


