Farvebilleder fra det mørke Afrika - Race, krop, økonomi og politik i Mahamet-Saleh Harouns Grigris


  • Mads Anders Baggesgaard Adjunkt i Litteraturhistorie, Aarhus Universitet




African cinema, race on film, film and politics


Analyzing Tchadian director Mahamet-Saleh Haroun’s 2013 film Grigris the article discusses the political potentials of contemporary Sub-Saharan Film. The article rejects frameworks of African and Francophone cinema and argues that a localized understanding of this film in Chad provides a better understanding of the universal and global reach of the engagement with politics that is one of the film’s prime objectives. It is through an understanding of the local and regional society and history that it becomes evident how the film engages with political issues with reach far beyond the borders of Chad. This engagement is performed through the screening of bodies, of race highlighting the role that these entities play in Chadian society and Chadian politics.


Mads Anders Baggesgaard, Adjunkt i Litteraturhistorie, Aarhus Universitet

Mads Anders Baggesgaard er adjunkt i Litteraturhistorie, Aarhus Universitet. Forsker i specielt nyere fransksproget litteratur og film i lyset af globaliseringen. Artiklen er et led i et forskningsprojekt om frankofon kultur i en globaliseret verden finansieret af Det Frie Forskningsråd for Kultur og Kommunikation. Har blandt udgivet Confronting Universalities: Aesthetics and Politics under the Sign of Globalisation (s.m. Jakob Ladegaard, 2011).


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Baggesgaard, M. A. (2015). Farvebilleder fra det mørke Afrika - Race, krop, økonomi og politik i Mahamet-Saleh Harouns Grigris. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 43(119), 103–126. https://doi.org/10.7146/kok.v43i119.22247