Rebeller med en platform
En analyse af mikroforlagsboghandlen Mikrofest
small presses, online bookstore, sociology of literature, the literary field, cultural capital, platformization, rhetorical analysisResumé
Mikrofestis an online bookstore promoting and selling books from small independent presses exclusively. Its raison d'être is to counterweigh the difficulties small presses experience with regards to gaining publicity, visibility and space within the traditional media and bookstores. In our article we analyze how the small presses through
Mikrofestenter the world of digital platforms – and thus try to make one of the newer technologies work for them instead of against them. Through a rhetorical analysis it is demonstrated how the platform presents itself to maintain the image of idealistic and anti-mainstream outsiders that are crucial to most small presses. The analysis is supported by a semi-structured interview with the founders to gain insight into relevant technical issues and be able to compare our findings with their original intentions. Furthermore, we include a small survey among the participating presses to assess how their values are represented by the platform and to which extent the mission to turn the spotlight on the small presses is fulfilled. We conclude that
Mikrofestsucceeds in preserving values widely shared in the small press community while entering the world of online trading and thus represents an alternative way of using digital platforms. The represented presses are in general quite satisfied with the collaboration, but this is due to the community it offers rather than financial gain as the latter is assessed to be diminutive.
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