Benjamin på BookTok

Reproduktion, perception og autenticitet i online læsefællesskaber



platform, Tiktok, Booktok, Walter Benjamin, aura, authenticity, reader communities


Walter Benjamin’s “The Work of Art in the Age of its Technical Reproducibility” remains relevant in relation to discussing what happens to our perceptions of art and culture. The text was written in a media-related time of revolution, where the concepts of aura, originality and authenticity were discussed in light of the advent of mass media and their consequences for the perception of unique works and performances. Benjamin's relevance has only been further accentuated in a digital age, where mass-produced reproductions of texts, music and performing arts are ubiquitous, and questions of originality and uniqueness must therefore be reassessed. The question is thus, what is perceived as authentic on digital platforms? One of the fastest growing platforms these years, Tiktok has emerged as the leading social platform for sharing information and entertainment. One of its subgroups, BookTok, connects under #booktok young readers with other readers. Characterized by being peers-readers, the “Booktokers” have greater influence, especially among young people and also among young people, who normally do not read. One of the reasons must be sought in the aesthetic culture and practice that Booktok represents. The platform's format and its affordances seem to matter. Soundbites, the use of hashtags as a form of communication and classification, easy access and reuse of other people's use of # or sound files make it easy to access. Characteristic of Booktok is that the videos are entertaining and often driven by emotions and affect. The book readers cry, love or hate books and experience a community and a recognition of their book choices and reading experiences. Authenticity here seems to be connected with emotions, interaction and commitment, the medium seems to generate effects not uncomparable to those analyze as auratic by Walter Benjamin.


Gitte Balling, Københavns Universitet

Lektor ved Institut for Kommunikation, Københavns Universitet. Har udgivet adskellige artikler om læsning og nye medier blandt andet, #BookTokMadeMeReadIt: young adult reading communities across an international, sociotechnical landscape (2022), The young read in new places, the older read on new devices: A survey of digital reading practices among librarians and Information science students in Denmark (2019) og Decreasing materiality from print to screen reading (2018).

Jack Andersen, Københavns Universitet

Lektor i kommunikation ved Københavns Universitet, Danmark. Siden midten af 2000’erne har Andersen spillet en central rolle i fremkomsten og konsolideringen af genre som et forskningsobjekt inden for informationsvidenskab. Han har skrevet, redigeret og været medredaktør på to bøger Genre in Information Studies (Andersen, 2015) og The Organization of Knowledge: Caught Between Global Structures and Local Meaning (Andersen & Skouvig, 2017) og adskillige videnskabelige artikler i informations-, kommunikations- og medievidenskabelige tidsskrifter.


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Balling, G., & Andersen, J. (2024). Benjamin på BookTok: Reproduktion, perception og autenticitet i online læsefællesskaber. K&K - Kultur Og Klasse, 52(138), 65–86. Hentet fra