Nationalt monogami og queer tilknytninger
Heteronormativitet og biomagt i dansk familiesammenføringslovgivning
affekt, ægteskab, tilknytningskrav, ghetto, 24-års-reglen, etnicitet, racialisering, lovgivning, diskursanalyseResumé
Through the queer theoretical concepts of heteronormativity and compulsive monogamy, this article examines the notion of attachment in Danish family reunification law. From 2000 until today Danish migration law has been dominated by the understanding that applicants must prove a strong and unique connection to Denmark. The article argues for reading the attachment requirement in its changing forms in the context of shifting moral panics regarding perceived ethnic minority marriage traditions, as well as the notion of the citizen’s exclusive national orientation. Examples from family reunification legislation indicate that this legislation has been less interested in determining whether the parties in the migrating family desire each other. Rather, they must demonstrate to desire Denmark. The article suggests that the notion of national allegiance draws on historical discourses that link marriage forms and nation-formation to each other. These historical tropes can be seen as co-constructing the idea of non-Western immigrants’ and descendants’ family forms as queer disruptions of a monogamous national attachment.
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Tidsskriftet følger dansk ophavsret.