”En kold og bitter affære”
Negative intimiteter i Tomas Lagermand Lundmes Forhud
intimitet, seksualitet, queer negativitet, antisocial queerteori, homoseksualitet, incesttabu, masochisme, upersonlig intimitet, Leo Bersani, Tim Dean, Lee Edelman, Gilles DeleuzeResumé
In this article, I analyze and discuss the potentials of what I call negative intimacies in Tomas Lagermand Lundme’s debut novel Forhud (1998) through the lens of antisocial queer theory. Through Berlant’s concept of intimacy as inherently threatened by an internal failure, I identify three types of negative intimacies in the novel: 1) Incestuous intimacy, in which the narrator denies the incest taboo and the Oedipus complex as foundation of heteronormative sociality through a perversion of the father figure. 2) Masochistic intimacy, in which the symbolic function of the father as authority is negated through contractual submission. And, lastly, 3) impersonal intimacy, which I argue is the overall mode of intimacy that the novel explores both in its content and as a gesture toward its reader. Impersonal intimacy offers an ethical alternative to heteronormative identity- and relation-based intimacy. In the impersonal intimacy I find what Tim Dean has called an ”ethics of alterity,” that is, a radical openness to otherness. In Forhud only strangers can be lovers, which is precisely the queer potential of the novel. I argue that these queer intimacies do not lend themselves to any kind of positive representation of queerness, but rather a negative critique of heteronormative sexuality. Though Forhud does not express any optimistic hope for queerness, it nevertheless stresses the pleasure of being intimate with the stranger.
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